❄️ 40

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Jisung couldnt stop thinking about the events that had happened between him and Areum. Granted it was around a week ago, and the two of them had been averting each other- scared at what would happen.

But Jisung at this very moment was walking up the stairs to her room.

In the same position he was in around a month ago. He wanted to start working at the cafe again.

Knocking at the door of her room he waited patiently, going over what he was gonna say- the words he practised in the mirror not even five minutes ago.

The turning of the door knob made him look up to her, watching as her pupils dilated.



Silence washing over the two before Areum stepped to the side, allowing the boy to enter her room.

"Areum I have to ask you something." Jisung said following Areum to her bed, sitting down.

"So do I."

"You go first then" Jisung said being polite.

She sighed, taking a deep breath in.

"What are we? I'm conflicted about this whole thing. I thought you didn't like, so why did you kiss me back.

I've been in a spiral of thoughts about this and I don't know what to do. I've never felt this emotion before, I don't know what to do. I don't know why I kissed you first.

I'm a gang leader I can't have feelings for someone, it's a distraction. Yet I can't help myself. I'm infatuated by the innocence you radiate. You have a kind heart and you care for others.

I literally hate everyone in this world. Well everyone besides the 21 idiots I boss around, and everyone else but you.

What have you done to me Jisung, I don't think I've ever thought more than one second about a boy until you arrived. I haven't smoked in over two weeks because of your words.

You have affected my life in ways I didn't know. Yet I'm conflicted." She rambled on, taking deep breaths throughout.

Only stopping when she noticed Jisungs shocked face. His mouth hung open and eyes wide.

"Is that not what you wanted to ask me about too?" She asked, nervousness washing over her.

"I-I was gonna ask if I could go back to working at the cafe." He said still in shock.

Scoffing, Areum stated "i didnt think you had to ask me to go back. I thought you got fired because you stopped going."

Silence washing over the two again, Areum looked down to her balled fists.
"What are we Jisung?" She said softly.

"I-I don't know." He simply said. "I really don't know."

"It's going too fast." She said, voice wavering.

"If it makes you feel any better I don't know what I'm feeling either." He said grabbing hold of her hands gently.

Their eyes connecting as they shared a small smile.

"Why don't we figure out these feelings- together." He said hopeful.

Areums breath hitched, fearful of what could come from it.

Eyes flicking between his two, trying to make a decision. "I-I think I'd like that."

Tears pricking her eyes at her confession. "Now look, I'm crying. You've made me an emotional weak bitch Ji" She laughs out in embarrassment, as a tear fell from her eye.

Jisung slowly reached his hand up, cupping her cheek as his thumb brushed away her tear.

"We'll go slow, we don't even have to say we are a couple. We are just us." He said reassuring her as he could tell she had doubts.

She nodded her head lightly, looking up to him smiling, "thank you."

Adjusting herself on the bed, she wraps her arms around his waist as she hugs him, content in his embrace.


Ooop, they confessed... sorta.

Sooo what do you wanna see from them.

Have I been developing their relationship to your appeasement?

Affliction ❄️ JisungWhere stories live. Discover now