❄️ 31

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(Okay but this fan art is so cute. LOOK AT BABY JWI!!)

"Jisung, over here!" Chenle yelled out from across the cafeteria, gaining Jisungs attention as he waved his hand.

Making his way over to the table, he sat inbetween Jaemin and Haechan. Chenle and Areum being in front of him.

"So how was class?" Areum asked bored.

"It was boring, Mrs Kim I swear despises me. She's gonna rip my head off one day I guarantee." Chenle said as he placed a fry in him mouth.

"I'm sure if you stopped talking then she'd like you a whole lot more" Renjun said from across the table.

"I'm sure if you stopped talking- shut up shorty" Chenle said mimicking Renjun, earning a whack over the head by Areum.

"Respect your elders you twerp."
Chenle rubbed the back of his head, mumbling out "I'm legit older than you, why don't you respect me."

"Anyway, enough of that. How was class Jisung" Jaemin asked trying to change the topic.

"Boring, but there is a new transfer student in my class, I sit next to him. He's from Germany, or was it China. I can't remember." Jisung said trying to recall what the boy told him.

"You better not be getting a new best friend" Chenle said, obviously jealous over the situation.

"You're my best friend, no matter how much you annoy me." Jisung said earning an aww from Jaemin and Chenle and gaging sounds from Renjun, Jeno and Areum.

"I actually regret saying that." Jisung said cringing at what he said. "I'm going to go get some food" He said trying to leave the table before anything else was said.


Jisung mopped around the mansion, sighing every minute or so at the intense boredom he felt.

"Ahh why is there nothing to do!" He yelled out. Huffing when he got no response, knowing very well that everyone was out on a heist.

Everyone but him.

Dropping down on the couch in the living room, he through his head back and looked at the roof.

"Pop, skrt, waw, hummm, dog, sheep, meow. I want to do something" he said elongating the word 'something' and naming random words.

"You know what Jisung.
Yes Jisung?
I don't think we have explored this house fully yet.
Oh my gosh you're right Jisung, we haven't!
Let's go explore!
Yeah!" He said jumping up off the couch as he talked to himself.

"We've never actually inspected the library fully Jisung.
You're correct, only when we played hid-and-seek.
Let's go have a look shall we."

He leant against the wall, hands up against his chest as his fingers made a gun.

"Do you see them Jisung, over." He said towards his shoulder, pretending he was a spy talking into a walkie-talkie.

"No I don't Jisung, it's all clear, over."

He slowly makes his way down the hall towards the library door. Throwing himself up against the door, peaking into the room before standing up straight.

"I can see them Jisung, can you, over" he whispered.

"Yeah I can Jisung. Wait hold on, they are leaving, go go go! Over!"

He quickly dropped to the floor, army crawling into the room.

To add a little bit of extra spice, he did an army roll behind the desk.

"We made it Jisung, good job, over."

"No, good job to you Jisu- why am I doing this. I serious need help." He said as he stood up, dusting himself off.

Sitting down on the chair, spinning around as boredom once again washed over him.

Stopping his spinning as curiosity filled him when the draws under the desk caught his attention.

Opening the top one, he saw sticky notes, pens, nothing interesting.

He then reached for the second one and when he opened it he saw confidential files.
"What the. Why isn't this draw locked." He laughed nervously, not willing to open them.

He reached for the third draw, but when he opened it his face fell.

Reaching into the draw he grabbed hold of the plushy. The grinch plushy he bought Areum.

His heart sank. Didn't she like it? He thought extra hard for that gift and yet it was in a drawer this whole time.

A frown crept onto his face as he brought the little grinch to his chest, hugging it softly as he remembered when he brought it, and when she opened it.

"You know what, this might not mean anything. I should go put it on her bed." He said, trying to calm himself and assure himself that she did in fact like it.

Still holding onto the soft plushy, he made his way to her room.

Running a hand over her neatly made bed as his mind goes over the events of that particular night.

Sighing at his thoughts, he places a small kiss on the dolls head before placing the plushy upright laying it in the centre of her pillows.

Backing away from the bed, he closes his eyes and frowns, shoulders slumping.

"If only."

Affliction ❄️ JisungWhere stories live. Discover now