❄️ 36

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"I'm legit going to kill myself. Mrs. Choi is so fucking annoying" Haechan groaned out, dropping his head onto the cafeteria table with a loud thud.

No one said anything, unbothered by the boys fanatics.

"Well if you insist on me telling you, I will, sheesh." He said sarcastically.
"She basically had a go at me for being distracting and so I asked how I was being distracting. She then told me off for talking back to her, which made me talk back even more.

This mother fucker then had the audacity to say you're such a disappointment. Like nah shit, I already knew that" he said, putting on a fake voice as he mimicked his teachers words.

Scoffing he said under his breath "bitch."

The words he said didn't affect the others as they continued to eat their food.

"Waw, see how much you all care about me."

"So, I was thinking." Jaemin said clapping his hands together.
"We should go bowling. It'd be fun" smiling as he watched the others for their reactions.

"I'm down, sounds fun" Chenle said happy.

"Sounds boring, I'm in." Renjun said, haechan agreeing with him.

"I mean, why not, can't kill me." Jeno said yawning.

"I run a gang, so no. Not this time." Areum said leaning her head in her arms.

"I'll go I guess" Jisung was the last one to agree. A little excited at the idea as it was something different


"Waw look at all the bowling balls, and the lights!" Jisung exclaimed happily- eyes wide and sparkling as he watched people bowl.

"You sound like you've never been bowling before." Haechan laughs at his antics.
"It's because I haven't." Jisung admitted.

"Wait really?" Chenle said turning around to his best friend. "Well, you've been missing out." He grabbed Jisungs hand and dragged him to where they get their shoes.

"And Strike!" They all said in unison as Jisung stood there in shock.

"Dude how are you so good at this? All you've been getting is strikes and spares." Renjun said a little annoyed at the youngers victories.

"I-i don't know, comes naturally I guess" he said shyly as he sat down next to Jaemin.

"Jeno your turn." Chenle said excitedly as he sipped at his coke.

At they rotated through their rounds, watching as people succeed and failed at hitting over the pins, amusement filled the air.

"So, how's things with you and Areum?" Jaemin nudged Jisungs side making him flinch a little.

"Nothings happened, she doesn't like me like that." Jisung said obviously sad.

"Don't re ridiculous, of course she likes you." He said in disbelief.
"If she did, why does she still act mean to me sometimes."

"Jisung, you need to understand. Areum hasn't told you her story yet, but you need to give her time. Love doesn't come easy in her life.

But trust me, she's never looked at anyone else the same way she looks at you." Jaemin said- placing a hand on Jisungs shoulder comfortingly.

"You really think so?" He asked looking up at the boy  who wore a loving smile on his face.

"I know so."


Waw 8 chapters in one day, who is she 🤭

But they have been getting shorter, I think it helps to be honest.

Anywayyy, forgot to ask last chapter how y'all felt on little ole Yangyang.

Do we like him?
Do we not?

Also, any suggestions on Areums and Jisungs ship name?

Any suggestions on plot ideas?

I know exactly where this book is going, but as like filler chapters. Things you want to see with the boys, with Areum, with Yangyang.

Drop them ideas you cuties 😜😘

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