❄️ 32

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(Some more fan art I found on Insta, credit goes to owner)

"Hey Jisung." Yangyang said smiling as he entered the dull math classroom.

"Oh, hey Yangyang." Jisung watched as the boy sat down next to him.

"I have a question, are we friends?" Yangyang asked catching Jisung off guard.

"Ah, yeah I guess so. Why'd you ask?"

"No reason, I just happy. You're my first friend" he beamed, making Jisung get big Chenle vibes from the boy in front of him.

"How old are you?" Jisung asked curiously.
"I was born 2000."

"May I ask why you aren't in the older year classes then?" Jisung asked as he watched Yangyang try to translate what he had just said.

"Oh, right sorry. It's because I'm still finding it difficult to understand big words and because this class is about my level." Jisung nodded in confirmation, their conversation coming to a quick end as the teacher walked in.


"Pizza!" Areum said running down the stairs as the sweet smell filled the mansion.

Skipping into the kitchen, her eyes lit up when she saw six boxes on the kitchen table.

Opening all of them she grabs the Hawaiian pizza.
"This ones mine and if any of you touch it I'll cut your hands off." She said bitterly, before smiling sweetly and taking a bite out of her pizza slice "okay?"

Jisung watched in shock as the others didn't seem to care. Leaning over to Jeno he asked "what's up with her. Why is she so... joyous?"

Jeno shrugged his shoulders, swallowing his mouth full before saying unbothered.

"She's on her period, and she gets very very happy when she's on it."

The two boys looked over to Areum as she starts to cry. "Whats wrong Areum?" Jisung said worried for the girl.

"This slice doesn't have any f-fucking pineapple on it" she muffled out, mouth full of pizza.

"She also has crazy mood swings." Jeno said as he leaned over to the younger boy.

"Right gotcha." He said back as he watched the girl stuff more pizza into her mouth as tears streamed down her face.

"Cute" he whispered under his breath as he admired her effortless beauty. Hair messy as a large hoody hung of her small frame.

Affliction ❄️ JisungWhere stories live. Discover now