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Michael didn't know, he didn't want to know. Yet he found out anyway.
He should've known, as it was obvious in a way.
How he found out wasn't necessarily an extravagant event. He just happened to walk in on his older brother staring down an oddly still figure sprawled in a folding-chair.

There was fear in his voice, but also concern. Who or what is that? Where did they come from? Why were they in Gerard's basement?

Gerard stilled, much like the figure in front of him, before slowing turning to face his brother with wide eyes.

This was when Michael noticed the shiny black apron his brother wore. It looked wet in some places.

"Mikey, I uh.." Gerard was at a loss for words. He was surprised and had no clue what to say, or how to explain. He just stared at his younger brother with an open mouth full of nothing but coffee-stained teeth and a pale tongue.

Michael didn't know what to do. Should he run? Should he hide? He couldn't call the police, they were almost always in kahoots with criminals. Fuck, did Gerard have ties with the pigs?

The two brothers stared at each other in shock. Neither moved for what felt like an eternity.

"I think you should go upstairs and wait for me, okay?" Gerard said slowly.

Michael nodded and broke the intsense stare-off with his brother. He slowly walked up the basement stairs and out of Gerard's sight.

"Well, shit." Gerard sighed and turned back to the corpse sitting before him.
"See what you got me into?" He playfully scolded.
"Now I gotta make you look pretty and put you away quickly."

·  ×  ·

When Gerard later emerged from the basement, he was drying his hair with a towel. He wore a small smile, but it quickly died when he laid eyes on his younger brother.
Ah shit, he forgot about him.

He walked over to the sink and filled a glass with water. He would've offered a glass to Michael, but he looked like he already had his mouth full.

Questions. He must be storming with them.

"Alright," Gerard leaned against the counter and sighed. "Ask away..?"

But Michael just stared, and that made Gerard feel uncomfortable.

"Fine. Um.. I don't know how to really go about this, I guess." He scratched his head and took a sip of water. "But uh.. I'm a murderer?" Gerard chuckled awkwardly.
"I don't hate anyone, really." He continued. "It's mainly for the fun of it. I find it fun."

"Fun? You think that taking people's lives is fun?" Michael yelled in exasperation.

Gerard sighed again. "Yeah?"

Michael banged his fists on the table and groaned. "Does mom know?"

"No. Of course not."

"Does anyone?"

Gerard squinted in thought. "I don't think so.."

Michael stared. "Are you fucki- Please make sure no one else does. For the love of God, Gerard!"

"So, you're not upset with me? For killing people?" Gerard asked, like Michael didn't seem angry just mere minutes before.

"I mean, that's your lifestyle. Not mine. I would just appreciate not being linked to it, thank you." Michael said with an annoyed sigh.

The older nodded. "That's fair."

Michael nodded and stood up.

"Leaving so soon?" Gerard asked with a small pout.

"Uh, yeah? I'd rather freak out in my own home, or just somewhere away, than here with you." Michael scoffed. "See ya later, Gee." He said, his expression now softer and brotherly.

"See ya, Mikey." Gerard waved.

Gerard wasn't the best at keeping secrets, mainly his own, but he was surprised that his brother seems to be the only one who knows now.
It felt scary, but relieving in some way. At least it's Mikey who knows though, even if it's just for now.

"I wonder if anyone else knows.. Nah, I doubt it." Gerard said aloud as he made his way down the basement steps.

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