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This of course didn't turn out the way he had planned. Instead of him quickly killing the little man and shoving him down a trash chute, or something of the like,
something completely different happened.

Gerard was leading the soon-to-be-dead down a hall. A dim one with only the bathroom doors in sight.
Oh, and the janitor's closet was very much hidden from view..if you didn't already know it was there.
Sort of like that scene in Labyrinth.
Ohhh, David Bowie...

The restrooms were in view.

Yet before Gerard could even begin to turn to check for witnesses
he felt a terrible pain in his gut. A sudden pain, but all the more terrible.
It was even before he could react to the pain when he saw the fearful look in the little man's eyes.
Why fearful?
Because Gerard wasn't bleeding. The weapon, whatever the small man used, didn't even pierce.
The pocket knife was as dull as a butter knife.

Ah shit.

The fearful look grew into an even more worried expression when Gerard pulled out a shank and aimed it towards him.

"You putrid thing." Gerard grumbled and shoved the little man into the janitor's closet. "Putrid, putrid, putrid." He said in an annoyed tone, clicking his tongue.

The little man just barely whimpered, but kept his 'tough' stance.

"Now, I am going to leave," Gerard said with a scowl. "You are going to leave in fifteen minutes."

The little man nodded.

"And I never want to see you again."

"Right." The small rat said.

Gerard glared coldly. "You will never kill me. Only I do the killing around here."

And then he left. The poor man stood silently in the closet by himself, in the dark.

That's how this probably should have gone, but it didn't. This was boring so thank hell it didn't happen.

…………………………….Instead the two made their way down the hall, the restrooms in view. What wasn't in view was the janitor's closet.
A small room with shelves, that's all it really was.
So then they arrived. It was funny..because right before Gerard could even put his arm around the smaller man's shoulder,
he was shoved into the closet.

It was dark, but neither cared. Their eyes were closed anyway.
The smaller man was the one who made the first move, leaning in quickly to press his lips against Gerard's. Was this what Gerard had planned for anyway? Maybe. He didn't remember. He could barely think! He was being kissed sweetly by his cute to-be-dead. Their tongues touched briefly before the smaller man attempted to kiss Gerard's neck.

"Leave a hickey and you'll regret it." He mumbled with his head leaned back.
The small man chuckled unknowingly, and Gerard eyed him. Their eyes met and it felt something happened.
Like a sense of déjà vu.
He could tell the smaller man felt it too, as his eyes widened and eyebrows raised slightly.
They stared at one another for a few seconds, only for the shorter to lick a strip up Gerard's neck before nibbling on his collarbone.
Gerard gently held him in pure bliss with his heart fucking racing.

If he were to leave a hickey, it wouldn't be too terrible. Just a little memory of soft kisses.
Soft kisses from a dirty fucking mouth.

Gerard grimaced when teeth sunk deep into the side of his neck. Not sharp teeth, but a jaw strong enough to draw some blood. The short asshole lapped up the small droplets of the red liquid. This angered Gerard.

What kind of sick fuck-

The little fucking prick flinched when Gerard tightened his grip around his waist. He brought a blade -- not so much a 'serious' kind, but more practical and easy to carry -- up into view. It just barely glinted when he brought it up to the prick's throat.

"Oh, how foolish you are." Gerard lowered his gaze as he pressed the blade against soft flesh.
The way he was currently speaking and, well, acting, wasn’t himself. Not a completely different kind of personality, but more like something hidden was close to lashing out. Very close.
The foolish fool stared up at Gerard with his wide, doe-like eyes.
Best to keep it under wraps.
He held in a groan before lowering the blade, now holding it by his side.

A drop of blood appeared on the shorter man’s throat. The small cut probably stung, but he stood still. Still staring up at Gerard. His warm hands were gripping the taller’s shoulders.

“Go.” Gerard said flatly, looking up and away.


“I said go. I never want to see you again. Next time I won’t let you go so easily.” He peered down to the doe eyes. “Now. Before I change my mind.”

And then the prick was gone, skittered like the rodent he was. Never to be seen again.

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