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Gerard had a date.
He had one about once every month or so..but tonight's felt special..and special dates mean special outfits..among other things.

"What's with the tie?" Mikey walked into Gerard bedroom.
"Oh don't tell me-"
"Unfortunately, yes." Answered Gerard as he rolled up his sleeves.
"Again? Ugh."
"Been only a month, dear brother." He rolled his eyes.
"Addict." Mikey scoffed and left the room.

Instead of answering again, Gerard just looked himself over in the bathroom mirror. It was a full-length, but that didn't matter right now. What did matter was how fucking wrinkly his white collared shirt was.

"How in the hell is one supposed lure in a victim with wrinkles? Goddam-"

"If I didn't know you, I'd mistake you for a snake." Mikey muttered as he passed by. He was off somewhere. You could tell by the fact that he had his shoes and jacket in hand.

Gerard heard the hallway closet briefly open and close.
His ugly scarf, he snickered.
Upon looking himself over some last few times, and changing particles of his outfit more times than one, Gerard was finally ready.

· × ·

Bustling through the streets like the cliché-est main character in some flick, Gerard arrived.
It was a museum. An art one, to be specific. He frequented art museums. Well, he was an artist.
"Oh what, with the blood and entrails of his victims?"
No. With paints and pastels and graphites. Like any normal sane person. Duh.
Anyway, Gerard strolled in as casual as can be. Clad in a white button up shirt with a dark green tie. He wore a vest as well, which, along with his hair, made him look like some sort of Emo Hobbit. Well, maybe he was. You never know. Just you never know..if your a serial-

Hazel eyes, almost matching his own, grabbed Gerard's attention. The shape was soft, and comforting, unlike how hard and sometimes cold his own were. He examined the face of the newly discovered stranger several yards away.
A very..attractive face.
He then basically just checked the stranger out.
What can ya say? Gerard's as gay as it gets.
Yet this stranger..seemed perfect.
Very short, a bit scrawny, and horribly out of place..but also cute.

Ah, calling your possibly future victim cute. How sweet.

"Excuse me," the man asked, now in front of Gerard. "Do you know where the restrooms are?"

He cracked a nervous smile.
"Uh, back there. Somewhere." He pointed.

"Oh, Thank you! Actually," the stranger grinned, "could you please lead me there? There's an awful lot of people and I..don't wanna get stepped on."

Gerard knew for a fact that by the restrooms was a janitor's closet.
There were no cameras.
And this cute little man was about as noticeable as a speck of dust.

"Of course."

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