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Robert didn't know. He didn't want to know. Yet he found out anyway.
It should've been obvious, but he still had no clue. Well, until now.

But maybe Frank only eating greasy meat from his own home wasn't so distinct on its own.
No, maybe it was the fact that he was so hesitant to share, or to have it out.
Frank made it seem like the meaty contents of his food was to remain secret. Which, normally, maybe, wouldn't be so odd if he wasn't a vegetarian-leading-toward-being-vegan. He didn't eat meat, unless he brought it from home. Ah, yeah, that was kind of strange.

Maybe it was just some sort of soybean paste? Maybe it was actual meat, and he was just too pansy to hide it?

Robert just had to find out.

"Heya Frank? Can I have a bite?"

Frank stopped mid-chew. "Of my taco?"

"Yeah, please? I'm real hungry"

Frank furrowed his eyebrows in thought. Should he? It wouldn't necessarily hurt but.. No, too risky.

"Mm, no." He said after he swallowed. "You wouldn't like it very much." Frank added before taking another chomp, finishing his nastily, drippily greasily, plate of tacos.

"Why not?" Robert asked. He was going to get his answer tonight, whether little Frank-o liked it or not.

Frank looked uncomfortable, and Robert noticed.

"I mean, you don't have to tell me.. But I would just like to know."

"I'm currently aware." Frank crossed his arms. "I just dunno why you're interrogating me all of a sudden."

"Just curious." Robert shrugged. "Just curious about your mystery meat."

Frank stilled slightly, but only for a second. Shit.

"I wonder what it is. Or what's in it."

"Mm." Was Frank's response.

"Could be human meat for all I know."

Frank choked on air. Oh fuck.

Robert's eyes went wide, and a confused grin spread across his pale face. "What?"

"Nothing!" Frank quickly waved his friend's excited yet confused eyes away. No.

"It's human meat, isn't it?" Robert said smugly, crossing his arms. "Damn."

Frank covered his face with his hands and groaned before tossing them up into the air in defeat.
"Yeah, fine, sure, yes! I eat human meat! I'm a cannibal! I hate any other kind because animals don't deserve to be eaten, those poor innocent souls! But humans! Despise those creatures! They deserve to rot and die! To be eaten!"
He was pacing around the kitchen now. "Fuck!" He yelled.

Robert just nodded. "That's fair."
He seemed calm, almost cool with the fact that his strange pal was..a cannibal. A man-eater.
In all honesty, he just didn't really care all that much.

"You're not afraid?" Frank was sitting down now, his eyes on the floor.

"Afraid of what?"


Robert laughed. "Of you? My, God, Frank! I could never be scared of you. Small-little-emo-boy Frank, pah!"

All of Frank's self-esteem sank into the tiled floor. "Oh..."

"But yeah, I'm not afraid. Not of you or the fact that you eat people. I mean sure, it's strange. But I'm not really affected by it." Robert smiled and patted his pal's back.
"It's your lifestyle, anyway."

Frank nodded. "That's fair."

"I'm gonna go now, gotta meet up with a friend. I'll text ya later, Frank-o!"

"See ya..?" Frank waved.

He stared down at the grease on his plate.
Relief was settled on his mind, but he still felt anxious.

Frank wasn't the best at keeping (mainly his own) secrets, but he had thought he was being careful with choices. Guess he wasn't.

"At least it's only Bob who knows," he sighed. "but maybe someone else might. I just hope it's not someone I can't trust."

"Let's head on to bed, hm?" Said Frank to no one but himself, except for maybe the frozen corpses that lay in his deep freezers.

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