Chapter Seven

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A/N: I put Ash's outfit at the top :3

-Ash's pov-

I wake up, wrapped in Scott's warm embrace and... naked. I carefully untangle myself from my boyfriend's limbs and wrap a blanket around myself, and limp to the bathroom. My god, that boy has stamina, no wonder he's still hasn't woken up yet.

In the bathroom, I put on my underwear and one of Scott's sweatshirts that has been laying on the side. It reaches to my mid-thighs and sleeves are way too long so I pull them up to my elbows and it smells of his cologne. Gucci Guilty, always been my favorite.

I trudge to the kitchen barefooted so the cold wooden panels cause me to shiver and goosebumps to form on my arms and neck. I take out the stuff and start making breakfast for myself and my sleepy boyfriend.

As I was about to flip over the pancakes, two arms wrap around my waist.

"Why aren't you in bed baby? I'm cold without you. Come back to bed." Scott mumbles and kisses my neck, nuzzling his nose into my shoulder.

"Because I decided to make breakfast and you look cute when you sleep." I reply.

"Says sleeping beauty. Hey, isn't that my sweatshirt." He asks, now fully awake.

"No, it's Mitch's." I say sarcastically, Scott raises an eyebrow.

"Of course it's yours, dumbass. Now, go and sit your butt at the table. I'm serving breakfast." I order and he trudges to the table and sits down.

I finish the pancakes and coffee and take it over to Scott. We start eating and enjoying each others presence.

"Hey Ash." Scott starts.

"Yeah, what's up, Scott?"

"Well, I need to tell/ ask you two things."

"Okay go on. I'm all ears." I say, swallowing a mouthful of pancake and suddenly loosing appetite.

"Well, thing one is that I have rehearsal today and was wondering if you would like to come too." I breathe a sigh of relief and nod.

"I'd love to, and that second thing?"

"I wanted to ask if you want to move in here, with me?"

"Really? Are you serious?" I ask.

"Yeah, there's enough space for the both of us. I wouldn't let you go back to your apartment anyway cause I would miss you too much so what's the point of having your apartment when you're gonna be here with me twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. What do you say?"

"I say yes." I smile and sit in his lap, pecking his lips.

Scott deepens the the kiss by lazily grazing his tongue across my bottom lip and I part my lips slightly for his tongue to slip in and explore my mouth.

We must have kissed for like 10minutes when we were suddenly out of breath and after a full on make out session and the coffee is cold.

"What time is rehearsal?" I ask.

"Eleven o'clock." He replies.

I glance over my shoulder to look at the clock on the wall to check the time.

"Well, we might wanna make a move on. It's 10:40am, honey."

"Shit, we're gonna be late." Scott stands up with me, holding my hips and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

Scott carries me to his room where he sets me on his bed and starts digging through his closet. I get my duffel bag and find shorts and a tee. Scott turns around holding two shirts.

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