Learn to Love Again (Scott Hoying fanfic)

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A/N: Hiiii, this is Lola here and this is my first fanfic on Wattpad so bare with me. Its a Scott Hoying fanfic because I love him so much and he's perfect. So yeah.


Aisling's POV

I sit in a booth tucked in a corner of the Blue Phoenix. The others have already left but me and Lola decided to stay for another drink. Even from the other side of the bar, I can hear the rain pelting down. Lola beams at me over her strawberry martini. I raise an eyebrow.

"Soooooooo" she starts. "I see some hot guys at 3 o'clock."

I smile, thankful for her effort but keep quiet. She sighs and leans back while I finish the remains of my coke and whiskey. Lola left for the bathroom. She was taking ages, I was left sat alone. Some guys ran past me, pushing a boy with bleach blond hair and sea blue eyes into me.

"Hey there beautiful." He winks at me, sitting down beside me.

I blush and shrink back against the wall. Only now did I realize that Scott Hoying was sat right next to me. He raises an eyebrow and laughs before slinging an arm around my shoulder. I look down to the floor and let my hair fall over my face.

"I'm sorry for falling onto you,drunk bastards messing around, plus you looked a little lonely." He whispers.

Too close... My hands start to shake. I try to calm myself down before shifting under the weight of his arm. Scott raises an eyebrow before taking his hand away and shuffling slightly to the right. I raise my head and smile slightly at him. I haven't been this close to a boy in a long time, never mind one of my idols!!

Lola emerges from the bathroom after a few minutes and sits across from me and Scott. She looks from me to him and grins showing her perfect white teeth before speaking,

"If you don't mind, Ash, I gotta run. Ryan's waiting for me outside. I'm sorry its unexpected but..." She glances over to Scott

"I think you'll be alright." I nod.

Ryan Teracliff is Lola's boyfriend and they're perfect together like... Like Oreos and milk? Lame, I know, but you get the point. I sigh and fiddle with the straw in my drink as Lola gathers her things. She glances my way and winks before turning and hurrying out of the bar.

I stretch and look at Scott, wondering why he hasn't left yet. He catches my eye,

"What?" I blush and quickly look away.

"Ash, was it?" He finally speaks, gulping down his third beer. I nod and stare into my own half-full glass.

"Haven't we met before?" He asks.

I look up, surprised that he would remember,

"I met you on tour about a year ago... Remember that girl who got lost back stage after the show?" I laugh and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

"That was me." He laughs and grins at me. We spend at least half an hour talking about things like the PTX tours and the band and new songs.

"... and me and Kirstie just couldn't laughing! I know it's mean but you should of seen Mitch's face!" I laugh and eat the last french fry from the small plate in front of us. I check the clock above the bar counter and sigh. 11:24, I should really be getting home. I take my phone out and text my mom.

To: Mommy♥

Are you still up? I think I left my keys in dad's car, do you mind if I drop by to pick them up?

Her reply comes almost instantly:

From: Mommy♥

Not now Ash, I'm sorry. Why not sleepover at Lola's? Maybe a hotel? Call me in the morning, Love you x

I frown. Why 'Not now?'. I'm sure she's still up watching some cheesy romance. I wonder if one of the roads is blocked? A protest? But this late... I shiver and start to gather up my things.

"Wait, you're going?" Scott asks, his words slightly slurred.

I nod before putting a coat over my clothes

"I'll drive you home." He offers.

"No need for that." I reply.

"Well you're not going to walk at half eleven at night. And its raining. Come on don't make me beg." He begins pleading, following me out of The Blue Phoenix.

"You're drunk." I sigh, turning on my heel to face him.

"Am not." he answers, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh really? Not even after five beers?" He yawns and shrugs,

"It'll be fine. What if something happens to you?" The way he says 'Something' makes me flinch and I finally give in.

"Just get me to the nearest hotel." I mutter, unsure.

"Hotel? You joking me?" He asks.

"No I'm not joking, just please drive me to a hotel." I snap.

"Well, you can spend the night at mine?" He suggests, opening the car door.

"You don't even know me, besides, I don't want to be any more trouble." I refuse, sliding into the passenger seat of his car. I am sitting in a fucking Chevrolet Camaro. WITH SCOTT FUCKING HOYING. Damn. I think I drank a little too much. Urgh. My head...

"Ah well, I don't mind. Please." He begs doing puppy eyes.

"I-I ... Fine" I agree quietly.

The journey is short, fifteen minutes at the most. Scott drives through a set of gates and pulls into a parking lot. He turns off the engine and quickly rushes out the car. I wonder why, then I realize he's opened the door from my side for me. I get out and squint through the heavy rain. My hands start to shake again. Breath, Ash, breath. He's just being nice, letting you crash at his for the - I gasp slightly as Scott grabs my hand and starts leading me to the looming building in front of us. When we get to the top floor, he pulls out his keys and opens the door. He pulls me through the door and kicks his boots off. I take mine off too and slide my hand out of his.

Scott hurries off without a glance back I place my coat on a nearby chair. Even after only being out in the rain for a few minutes, my hair's wet and my top and pants are damp. I sit down on the sofa and lean back into the soft cushions.

"Do you want anything to drink?!" Scott shouts from what I presume to be the kitchen.

"Just water!" I reply.

He emerges from a room to my right a minute later and sets a glass of clear liquid in front of me. I take it and sip it gratefully. Scott looks me up and down.

"You should shower before you catch a cold, the bathrooms down the corridor," he points to his right and I nod,

"there should be spare towels in there... I'll get you an old t-shirt to wear for the night." I get up and trudge to the bathroom, only now realizing how cold I was.

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