Chapter Three

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~Ash's POV

I cry myself to sleep. I can't believe that I've just slapped Scott Hoying across the face.. I'm such a bitch. I've always been one.. Slag.. Bitch.. Attention hoe.. Whore.. Trash.. Dumb.. Slut..

That scene plays in my mind over and over again.. Its so hard to forget. The one that happened two years ago with James and now this one with Scott.. I can't sleep.. Its too hard to sleep.. Not when something like this has happened twice in your life.

I wake up in the morning, my eyes red, my face swollen, I look ugly as always. I pull on the clothes I had on last night and write Scott a quick note saying:

'Scott, I'm sorry about last night.. I've been a bitch. Its okay if you never want to see me again or forgive me. Its just something that happened in the past. Ash.x'

I place the piece of paper on the table in the living room, quickly save my number into his phone and walk to corridor. I pull on my military boots and leave the apartment.

On my way to work, I take out my phone and dial mom's number. She picks up after three rings.

"Mom? Why wasn't I allowed home last night?" I ask quickly.

"James was trying to get in touch with you." Her voice cracks on the last word.

My eyes widen, my mouth drops open.

"No mom. I can't cope with this anymore. Where am I supposed to be if not home?" I ask, with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I know honey. Where did you spend the night anyway? At Lola's? Or at a hotel?" She questions.

"I um.. Spent the night at Lola's." I lie.

"Okay honey." She replies.

"I gotta go mom. I'm getting close to work." I hang up.

I walk past loads of shops, and spot some really cute clothes like this really nice red checked shirt from Hollister or this grey New York sweatshirt in American Apparel. I grab a caramel Latté from Starbucks on the way and carry on walking. The weather is nice, pretty normal for LA.

When I walk inside the nursery, where me and Lola work, I walk to the changing rooms and open my locker. I pull out my purple polo with the logo, black skinny jeans, my black flats and the emergency makeup bag.

I walk to the bathroom to get changed, there I meet Lola.

"Hey, why are you so swollen??" She asks.

"Let me get changed first." I say closing the door.

I don't take long. Once I'm out, me and Lola both stand in front of the mirror. As i compared my image in the mirror to Lola's I sigh. How could she look so good in everything? Her hair always seemed perfect and even when in work she looked so good... I wish I had her curves..

"I'm guessing you spent the night at Scott's? " She starts questioning.

I can't bring myself to answer, I'm very kept to myself, I'm quiet, shy. Lola is very open, friendly, she could speak to a stranger on the streets. I'm not, I couldn't do that. I got bullied in school, I never had a lot of friends, except Lola, Beth, Sophie and Kat. If I was still studying, I probably still would get bullied..

"Yeah, you guessed right. But it wasn't that fun. It wasn't fun at all actually.." I sigh.

"Oh my god, why?" She asks.

"Well, he kinda forced me to bed. Kinda like James did." I say, finishing to put on mascara.

"No way!" Her mouth drops open.

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