Echos and pirates

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Your P.O.V.

We were in a darker, damp place. It was very blue and smelled of rain.

"Welcome to Waterfall," Sans said. "I skipped the area where you'd have to fight my bro...too many bad memories."

"Bad memories?"

"Uh...yeah...anyways let's go meet Undyne."



"Please tell me what you meant by bad memories?"

He sighed, "Look kiddo, some things are better left alone."

"And some things we bury and act like they don't hurt."

He glared at me but I stood my ground. He sighed again and looked at me sadly.

"You're not gonna let this go are you?"


"Alright, I'll walk and talk," he said moving forward.

I listened every step of the way. And by the time we reached Undyne's house, I felt like I knew everything about him and I cried.

"K-kid..." Sans stuttered. "I'm alright, okay?"

"B-but no one should have to deal with that..." I said, tears rolling down my face.

Sans just kinda looked at me before he did something I wasn't expecting. He hugged me. Tears must have been coming from him too because I felt my shirt getting wet.

We probably stood there for a couple of minutes but it felt like forever. We were just taking in the warmth of each other and the comfort. He was surprisingly warm for a skeleton.

When we finally pulled apart we kinda looked at each other sheepishly and I swore I saw a bit of blue dusting his face. Was that...blush?

"Come on kiddo, you've got a pal to meet."

We walked to the front door of...a fish house? Sans knocked and I heard yelling from inside. The door then opened to reveal pirate?

"Sans! Where is Papyrus!? He's late for his lesson!"

"Sorry Undyne, I don't know where he's at."

"...why did you bring a human here?"

"She wanted to become pals with you. She heard how cool and awesome you are and wants to be as cool and awesome as you."

".....okay, if we don't become pals I get to fight them right?"

"S u r e," Sans's eyes went dark.

Undyne looked scared for a moment. "Uh, come on in! I'll make some tea."

Sans and I followed her inside. I gave Sans a questioning look as we sat down. When she went to make the tea he finally spoke.

"You know how Paps and I were supposed to be hunting humans?"

I nodded.

"Well we all are really, but the thing is...we're supposed to kill you."

Now he really had my attention.

"The king needs seven souls to get us out of the break the barrier...and you're the seventh soul in most people's eyes."

Undyne set our cups in front of us harshly.

"Yeah, so why don't you just let us take you to Asgore."

"Undyne!" Sans yelled.

"She's the last one Sans! The last damn human we need to get out of this place! Why should we let her live?"

I didn't want to be here...this was too much information in one day...with finding out about the resets, Frisk, and now this? So once again...I ran.

I didn't know where I was going. But I knew the world around me had turned into a beautiful blur. I saw tons of blue flowers and heard echoes of people's words from them. Eventually, I was out of breath and had to stop.

I apparently had run through all of Waterfall because I was in a new environment that was almost unbearably hot.

Sans P.O.V.

"What the hell Undyne!"

I was beyond pissed.

"Sans, what is wrong with you? You've always seen why we've had to do what we're doing, what changed?"

"She did! She changed me! With her beautiful smile and laugh! Her kindness that is almost stupidly strong! Do you notice how she could have gotten mad at you? It's her life, she could have fought you, and I know she would have won. But it's not in her nature Undyne. She only wants the best for us. If she felt it was the best she would give up her life and I know it. She doesn't think she's anything good or worth a word. But she is worth the world to me. She is worth everything," I was almost in tears. I didn't even know I felt that way but I knew every word was true.

"Sans..." Undyne seemed speechless. "I...I had no idea you could even feel that way for someone, you've never taken that much interest in anyone besides your brother..."

"Yeah well, now you know...and I'm gonna go apologize for your mistake, thanks a lot."

I then teleported away. I didn't want to listen to Undyne sputter about how sorry she was. She hurt y/n and I know it, even if y/n would never admit it.

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