Hots for a Robot and for a Skeley

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Your P.O.V.

This is one of those times I regret having to hide my scars. Long sleeves, jeans, and hot weather do not go well together.

I kept walking though, and soon I reached a lab. It was nicer in the lab but not by much. Who lives here? Cause I need to talk to them about their living situation. Everything was cluttered and it was still too warm.

Eventually, I came across a lizard? Must be the Dr. Alphys Sans told me about during his reset talk.

"H-hi, my n-name is Alphys! Y-you must be y-y/n. I've b-been watching y-you on the cameras."

I waved to her, feeling her nervous energy almost like my own.

"S-sans should be h-here any minute. H-he seemed very m-mad at Undyne. Though I-i'm not sure h-how anyone could be m-mad at her."

"Y/n," said a familiarly deep voice behind me.

I jumped but still turned around to hug him.

"It's okay. Undyne and I see eye socket to eye patch now."

I giggled into his jacket and then pulled away.

"Look I'm sorry for what she said, I should have talked to her before bringing you into that situation."

"It's okay, Sans," I whispered just loud enough for him to hear but not Alphys.

"S-sans, what h-happened between you a-and Undyne?" Alphys asked.

"Nothing a couple of adults couldn't settle."

Alphys was silent for a moment. "S-sans I think w-we should talk...a-alone."

"Alright, stay here kiddo," he said and walked off with Alphys.

I watched him leave with her upstairs and then pressed forward. I've never been good at listening to directions but oh well.

Soon I came across a robot. For some reason, the lights went off and game show music started playing.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome y/n to tonight's game show! Here she will be answering a few questions! If she gets too many wrong...she will die! Now let's get started!"

Needless to say, I was terrified.

"Let's start with an easy one, what's the prize for answering correctly?"

God, I hated talking...and I'm in front of a live audience. Fuck my life.

"M-more questions?" I asked softly.

"That is correct! What is the king's full name?"

I had to reach back for that one. I think Sans mentioned it once.

"Uh...Asgore D-dreemurr?"

"That's right! What are robots made of?"

What the hell kind of questions is that!?

"M-metal? And uhhh...m-magic?"

"Wow, you're on a roll!" He then spat out a math problem. God, I was good at math but I hated it. Now let's see if I can put my brain to the test.

After he was done speaking I knew it right away.

"32.058 minutes."

"Seems we have a math whiz on our hands! Now, how many flies are in this jar?"

My eyes darted all over the jar until I saw a little slip of paper on the lid with the answer.


"You're so good at this, you could be cheating! What monster is this?"

A picture popped up of a monster I recognized from walking in the ruins with Toriel. But I wasn't about to be fooled.


"Of course it's me! Now moment of truth, would you smooch a skeleton?"

I blushed. Why did he have to ask that question?

"Y-yes..." I said barely audible.

"What was that?"


"Do you hear that folks!? Seems like she's got a special someone back home!"

"Boo," said a low voice behind Mettaton.

"Sorry, folks, seems like the show is over for tonight!" Mettaton said nervously.

The lights came back on and Sans looked pissed.


"Yes Sans?"

"I don't care if my brother has the hots for you, stay away from her. You're lucky I even let you talk to my brother, you aren't allowed anywhere near y/n."

Mettaton seemed more irritated than scared which surprised me. Either way, he left the room.

"I told you to stay back there for a reason," Sans told me.


"Next time listen to me okay? I know you hate talking in front of people you don't know, that's why I was trying to keep the tin can away from you."

"Y-yeah...about that last question..."


"Did you hear my answer?"

" about we talk about it later okay? We've had a long day and I kinda wanna get home."


He took my hand but instead of ending up at home...we were in Waterfall? There was a field of echo flowers in front of us that seemed to go on for miles.

"Whoa...this is beautiful Sans," I said but when I turned to look at him, he wasn't there.

"What? Sans?" I called looking around for him.

I managed to stumble backward into an echo flower.

"Knock knock," said the echo flower in Sans's voice.

I giggled. "Who's there?"

I touched the next echo flower.


"Juno who, silly skeleton?"

I touched the next one.

"Juno I've fallen for you, right?"

I blushed and laughed. "Well, I think the signs were becoming obvious."

I touched the next one.

"Then, would you mind if I borrowed a kiss? I promise to give it back..."

I blushed even more, "Damn that's better than asking if I would kiss a skeleton."

Then he was in front of me, with a smile on his face.

"That was the most romantic thing I've ever seen Sans."

"Then how about that kiss?"

"Sure but, isn't it a bit odd to just kiss your teeth?"

"Here, let me show you how it's done."

He wrapped his arms around me and leaned towards my face. It was really weird like he magically had lips, which I guess would make sense cause how else would you eat without it getting everywhere? But it felt soft and warm like his hugs.

Eventually, he pulled away and spoke. "So sweetheart, would you be my girlfriend?"

I giggled. "Of course my boney comiedian."

Just give up, I did (Sans x deppresed!reader)Where stories live. Discover now