We're Gonna Get Out of Here

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Your P.O.V.

"Sansss," I said shaking the lazy bones.

"Give me five more minutes..."

"We need to go now if we're gonna get anything done today!"

"But sleeepp."

"If you don't get up right now you can count your kisses for the day good bye!"

"I'm up, I'm up woman!" He said, sitting straight up and almost hitting my head with his.

"Call me woman like that one more time!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry Sweetheart."

I kissed his cheek. "It's okay silly bones, let's get goin."

We both got up and got dressed. Soon we were making our way to the big purple door I had once found myself walking out of.

Once we were there, Sans gave me a wink and knocked on the door.

"Knock knock."

"Who is there?" I heard softly from the other side of the door.


"Doris who?"

"Doris locked, that's why I'm knocking."

I heard Toriel laugh from the other side.

"Hey mom," I said.

The laughing stopped.

"My child?"

"Sans and I kinda need your help..."

"....with what?"

"We might have found a way to break the barrier without killing anyone..."

The door opened.

"I want all the details, now."

Sans and I took turns explaining the situation. She seemed surprised when we told her about the soul bond but was also happy for both of us. When we mentioned talking to Asgore though, her face turned sour.

"That good-for-nothing man is going to be the death of us all..." She said with a sigh. "We shall all speak with him but I want to talk to him first to get through his thick skull...no offense Sans."

"None taken," Sans said with a chuckle. "Us guys can be real boneheads sometimes."

This got a laugh out of both Toriel and I.

We ended up having to walk to the king's castle. Sans said it would take a lot of his magic to transport both Toriel and I and he was scared to try out his magic just yet after the soul bond.

So we walked through Snowdin, Waterfall, and Hotland till finally, we made it to the castle.

"Whooaa," I said looking up at it.

Sans chuckled.

"I always told Asgore this castle was too big for four people," Toriel said. "Even when it was just me and him, it seemed too much."

"Four?" I asked.

"....a story for another day hun..." Sans said.

Toriel frowned. "It's...alright Sans...go ahead and tell her."

"Alright....long ago, Asgore and Toriel had a child," Sans started. "They named him Asriel. One day Asriel was playing in the Ruins. He came across a fallen human. He befriended the human and brought them back home. Asgore and Toriel were soon raising this child as their own. The underground was soon filled with the hope that one day, humans and monsters could live in harmony. But one day....the human fell sick. The human was soon on their deathbed. The human's last wish was to see the golden flowers in their village one last time. So Asriel absorbed the human's soul and carried them through the barrier to the village. The villagers saw them though and thought Asriel had killed the human. Asriel refused to hurt the humans and ended up coming back with the child's corpse. Toriel and Asgore ended up losing both of them that day."

I started crying from the story and it seemed Toriel had as well because when she spoke her voice was strained.

"Yes, and of course, Asgore's first thought was more bloodshed. Kill all humans who came underground so he could collect their souls and break the barrier. I don't see how spilling more blood, the blood of children could save us. He claimed it was to give the underground hope....but look where we are now."


"Yes, my child?"

"Did you ever talk to Asgore after that day?"


"Maybe you should revisit that topic...and see more of his perspective."

"Of a murderer!?"

"Of a man who just lost his children and was scared to lose his kingdom as well."

Toriel was silent.

We finally made it to the throne room and Toriel sighed.

"I will try my best my child, but I don't know if I will be able to see his side..."

"It's enough that your willing to try, mom."

Then we entered. Asgore stood there watering his flowers. He was very tall, taller than Toriel and she was quite tall herself.

"Just one moment," Asgore said in a low rumbly voice.

He then turned around and had a look of surprise on his face.

"Tori?" He asked in disbelief.

"Listen to me Asgore and listen well. You shall stop killing humans this instant and listen to these two explain their plan."

"T-tori..." Asgore had a sad look on his face but seemed like he was ready to do anything for her.

"Hmph," she said and left the throne room.

"Geeze, talk about the cold shoulder," Sans said.

Asgore looked even sadder.

"H-hey, uh...we might have found a way to break the barrier....without using human souls?" I said kind of unsure.

This made Asgore straighten up and pay attention. "R-really!? Well, what is it?"

"You know the old stories about monster and human soul bonds?" Sans asked.

Asgore nodded. "Yes...but the odds of those stories being real are slim and a human and monster soul bond hasn't been formed in a thousand years."

"Well...you're lookin at one," I said.

Asgore looked between the two of us perplexed, but then realization donned his face. "Oh my! Well, congrats!"

"We were wondering if we could take a try breaking the barrier...we know that there's a chance it won't work but, why not try?" Sans said.

"I don't see a reason why ever not," Asgore said. "Let me guide you there."

We then followed Asgore to the barrier.

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