Getting better...or as best as can be

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Your P.O.V.

I woke up alone on the couch. I'm not sure if I should hate or love this couch anymore. The memories of yesterday were coming back and I didn't like it one bit.


Of course, he shows up.

"Yes, Sans?"

"I think you know we need to talk about what happened yesterday..."

"Really, 'cause last I knew you dumped me..."

"Y/n....let me explain..."

"Explain what Sans!? That you don't want me anymore, that I was just some plaything to you!?"


I was silent. He had never yelled at me like that until yesterday. I hated it but his words are what hit me.


"Flowey had Papyrus hostage and made me break up with you. He promised he wouldn't hurt either of you if I just broke up with you."

I couldn't believe my ears.

"I fucking love you, y/n."

"Wh-what?" I couldn't process this.

"I love you with all of my heart," he came over and hugged me. "If you ever try to kill yourself again...I don't know what I'll do. I can't lose you y/n, you mean everything to me."

I started crying into his jacket and hugged him tightly.

"I-I love you too, S-sans..." I managed out between sobs.

After I was all cried out Sans pulled away from me a bit.

"Look, I talked to Alphys and we're gonna get you some meds."

"Like...what kind of meds?"

" don't have to take them forever but I want to make sure you're gonna get better. I want you in a mental state where you wouldn't ever think about doing this again or picking up a blade. You're worth everything and I want you to see that for yourself."

I was quiet for a moment. "....then you have to take them too."

"What?" He asked, a bit surprised.

"You're depressed too, I can tell."

He sighed. "Ya got me there, sweetheart. I'll get some for myself don't worry. Then we can help each other out."

"So...does this mean we're back together?"

"If you wanna be...I think Flowey's goal was exactly this honestly but I don't think he saw us getting back together."

"Then let's show him we're stronger than he thinks!" I said with a smile.

Just then Sans's phone rang.

"Hello?.....Thanks, Alphys, and hey uh....could you look into getting some for me...I know you've been hounding me for ages to get on them....yes you were right, can you just get them ready?.......okay we'll be there shortly."

Sans hung up and then took my hand, pulling me up from the couch.

"I promise, one day we're both gonna see why we're each other's world," he said. And in that moment...I knew those words to be true.

We were then in Alphys's lab. Alphys seemed startled but managed not to drop the books in her hands.

"S-sans, a bit of h-help?"

"Of course, Alphys."

I watched as the two of them poured over books of human brains.

"Y/n?" Sans motioned me over. "What do you make of this?"

I read the passage and I found myself puzzled.

"Is this...ingredients for a human soul?"

"I think so..." Sans agreed.

"This is dangerous Sans. Even if it did work there's no telling if the King would survive through it. An unstable soul leads to so many problems, I've seen a few myself on the surface. Even a slightly damaged soul can make a person crazy."



"What you're saying is a damaged soul can lead to mental problems?"

"Well, yes, but it can also be damaged because of something traumatic."



"Let me see your soul."

"Nope, nope, nope, I'm not doing this. I promised I would take meds not have someone look at my soul."

"Y/ know the only reason I want to is to help you get better..."

I looked at him for a moment and then sighed. "Promise you'll be gentle with it? And you won't freak out when you see it?"


"Okay, well do your thing."

I felt my soul being pulled out of my chest. It reminded me of that first day with Flowey. I knew it was damaged then but I had chosen to ignore it.

It was s/c but it was dull with cracks all over it. I knew normal souls didn't look like this was my soul, I was supposed to care for it, wasn't I? Even if my soul being broken...gave me problems.

"Y/n..." Sans looked down at my soul and cupped it in his hands ever so carefully.

"I-i know it's bad but...I didn't know what to do..."

Alphys looked at my soul. She seemed perplexed.

"I-i don't understand...h-how is your soul st-still together?"

"Hope I guess..."

"Hope?" Sans asked.

"Hope that with every sunrise comes a better doesn't always work though."

"Right...well is there anything you can do Alphys?"

"I-it might be a-able to be h-healed through magic."

"How? I've healed her myself and it didn't fix this any."

"Well...soul bonding...."

Sans's pupils disappeared. "You're shitting me."

Just give up, I did (Sans x deppresed!reader)Where stories live. Discover now