A Room...and a Couple

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Your P.O.V.

After the whole restaurant incident, Sans and I went back to his room. I was kind of nervous...I didn't know what was gonna happen. Sans didn't really go over what happened now...

"Hey, Sweetheart, look at me."

I looked up at Sans. We were both sitting on his mattress on the floor. We were both nervous I think.

"I'm gonna be right here, okay? This is gonna hurt some...but once the process starts we can't stop it or we might get hurt really, really bad."


"Just follow my lead, okay? I promise I won't let anything bad happen."

"I trust you..."

He nodded and pulled my soul out of my chest. He then pulled his own soul out. It looked small compared to mine, was it supposed to be that small? Was that normal for monsters?

"I-i know it looks a bit weird," he said noticing my expression. "My soul has always been... underdeveloped."

"It can't be any worse than how mine looks can it?" I said with a small laugh.

"Your soul isn't gonna be like that much longer."

He cupped both of our souls.

"Cup my hands with yours alright?"

I followed his directions. He then closed his eyes and seemed to be concentrating. I watched as both of our souls started to touch the other's. Then the pain came. It was dull at first but it soon escalated.

Sans and I were both wincing as it seemed our souls were filling each other's up. White filled the cracks of my soul while an s/c rim was made around his.

Finally, it was done and Sans and I were left panting from the pain.

Then I heard him say something...but his mouth didn't move.

"God, even like this you're beautiful."

Is that what he meant by the telepathic part? Either way, I was now laughing and I felt his words as true. Seems he kept his promise no matter how much he hates making them.

Our souls made their way back inside us and I felt so much better. I finally felt...awake? And like everything was finally okay and how things should have been since the beginning?

Sans and I just sat there still for a few minutes taking in the new feeling of our souls.

"Ya know...they say a soul bond between a human and monster brings them power...power no one else has ever seen..." Sans finally said.

"Do you believe that?"

"I dunno...but if it's true....maybe it could be enough to break the barrier...we wouldn't have to do that thing we found in the book and risk Asgore...."

"....you mean we could leave the underground?"


I looked into his eyes. He looked....hopeful for once.

"Sans...you remember what I said about the surface right? It's not all sunshine and rainbows...."

"I know....but think about it....most of the monsters down here have lost everything....if this works....we could give the people down here what they need."

"And what is that exactly?"

"Hope. Real hope. Not just a promise from Asgore that maybe, one day he could break us out of here."

".....did Alphys know about this when she asked us?"

"I think a small part of her was thinking about it...but I doubt she would have asked us to soul bond unless she saw it as the only way to fix your soul."

".....okay...I need time to think about this."

"Of course Sweetheart," he kissed my forehead. "We have all the time in the world."

I felt content with this. I wasn't sure if I was feeling my own emotions or his but...it felt warm...and peaceful.



"I want to meet Asgore..."

Sans P.O.V.

I did not like this idea one bit. I knew she could tell right as she asked too because she suddenly looked sorry for asking.

I sighed. I knew Asgore would do something rash. He tends not to think things out...which is why the queen disappeared in the first place.

As soon as I thought this, images flooded my head of memories...but they weren't mine?

"The hell...."

I knew who the lady behind the door was now.

"You're kidding me!"

Y/n shook her head. "I forgot to tell you with all that happened at the restaurant. But Toriel is in the ruins, and by your description of Asgore I thought she must be the queen."

"....we need to talk to her before we do anything y/n."

"I know..."

"But right now? Sleep."

"Whaaa? But I'm not sleepy!" she said right before she yawned.

I chuckled. "It seems your body has other ideas."

I then flopped onto the other side of the mattress from where we were sitting and dragged her down with me.

"Sleeppp, Sweetheart."

"Ugghh, fineee," she said, closing her eyes.

I don't know who fell asleep first but we were out like lights.

Just give up, I did (Sans x deppresed!reader)Where stories live. Discover now