Please don't do this...

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*again trigger warning, for everything in the last chapter and kidnapping*

Sans P.O.V.

After the phone call, I went to see Dr. Alphys. She was blubbering something about the True Lab, a talking yellow flower, and Papyrus. I was full-on pissed but I wasn't gonna show y/n that because I didn't want her scared.

When I showed up at the True Lab though...there was only a weed.

"Howdy! I see you got Alphys's call smiley trash bag."

"Cut to the chase weed, where's my brother?"


"If you hurt him I swear you'll regret the day you were made."

"Alright, alright...I'll tell you where he is, just one thing first."


"Break up with y/n."

"Why the hell do you want that!?"

"No questions, just break up with her and I promise to give you Papyrus back. I promise I won't hurt Papyrus or y/n if you just do this one thing."

God, I hated this...but I knew Flowey. He kept his word even among thousands of resets.

So I made the call. Yes, I cried, of course, I cried. But I would do it again to protect her.

"Alright. Papyrus is upstairs, have fun trash bag."

I teleported upstairs and saw Papyrus tied to a chair.

"I swear I'm gonna kill that weed if it's the last thing I do," I said while I untied Papyrus.

"S-SANS?" Papyrus said after I untied him.

"Yeah Paps?"


I turned and looked at the monitor. I saw y/n cutting up her arms and then walking into a lake.

"No, no, no, no, no, hold on y/n, I'm coming, I swear!"

I teleported near the lake where I saw her.


She turned around in the water to look at me.


"I'm sorry Sans, I really don't see the point, Just give up...I did."

Those words hit me so hard, as I remembered saying them so many times myself. Then I saw her head disappear into the water and screamed. "NO!"

I teleported into the water, which is harder than one might think since it isn't solid ground. I saw y/n drifting down into the water, air bubbles coming out of her mouth. I swam down and wrapped my body around her. I then teleported home.

I immediately tried my best to heal her. It was hard with so many wounds but soon she started coughing up water.

When I saw her breathing again I started crying my eye sockets out.

"S-sans?" I hear her say.

"Yeah, sweetheart?"

"I'm gonna go to sleep..."

I laughed at this. I don't know why but I thought it was the funniest thing I heard all day.

"You do that, Sweetheart," I finally managed to get out, but I think she was already asleep.

I put her on the couch and sighed. I was so happy to know she was safe but this....needed to be talked about. I didn't think her depression was bad enough to take her own life but it seems I miss judged. I can't let this happen again.

Papyrus then came through the door.


"She's gonna be fine Paps...I'll make sure of it..."


"I think that would be a bone-tastic idea bro."

"NYEH!" Papyrus yelled at my pun and went to the kitchen to make the food.

"'re gonna be just fine sweetheart....and I'll make sure you're always gonna be fine..."

I picked up my phone and called Alphys.

"Y-yes?" Alphys asked.

"Are you fine after that whole Flowey thing?"

"A-as fine as c-can be."

"That's good. Uh, what do you know about human psychology?"

"I kn-know a little. W-why?"

"Well, y/n just tried to kill herself..."

"Oh n-no! Why would sh-she do something l-like that!?"

"I assume because she thought no one loved her after Flowey made me break up with her...anyways could you look into some human anti-depressants? It's not a complete fix but I think it'll help."

"O-of course, I'll g-get right o-on that."

"Thanks, Alphys."

"No p-problem."

I hung up and looked down at y/n.

"I'm gonna make sure you get through this life, alright? The way I know will make you happiest, even if it takes a bit longer."

Just give up, I did (Sans x deppresed!reader)Where stories live. Discover now