digging ditches

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I woke up and my head hurt so bad. I looked over and saw some guy naked. "Well fuck..." I grabbed my clothes and out them on. When I walked out of his car the place was a mess. People passed out, red cups everywhere, bongs, the band left, cars everywhere, clothes all over the place. It looked like a fucking amazing night.

I call Kira and he doesn't pick up. I see his car and look in it but no Kira. I don't care about the other guys I just need to find Kira. I look in the crowd and find Kira next to his own vomit. "Fuck..." I pick him up and he groans. "Come on Kira lets go back." I carry him in the car putting him in the passenger seat. I take the keys out of his pocket.

Time to find the other two.

I found them both, it looked like they had a threesome with some girl. I put them both in the car and started the car. I have never fucking drove a car and I'm the only one sober enough to drive.

I started the car and looked at Kira sleeping. "If I crash this 170,000 dollar car...Please don't sue me."

Half an hour on the highway I had to pull over and put my address in the GPS. It was quiet and the car smelled like weed. I'm a fucking great driver!

I look at the clock and see it's only 9 by the time I get home and get everyone situated it would be maybe about 10:30 ish. I'll be late as fuck but I'd still make it too school.


I put Kira on my bed and the two on the couches. I changed back into my uniform. It smells like weed so bad. I don't know what to do with the fucking 170 thousand dollar car. Should I leave it? Will anyone steal it. If anything happened to it Kira can't blame me.

I take the subway to school and get there by 11 am. "Where were you Midoriya." My morning was horrible, I smell like weed, my eyes are probably red, and my body still feels high. I didn't want to deal with Aizawa. "I...slept in." I went to my desk and put my head in my arms.

I'm so tired.


Deku hasn't been himself since the summer. I've been watching him from afar. I don't get why he cheated on me, why he's acting out, or why he's always late or absent.

Apparently yesterday he came in smelling like weed. I don't get him sometimes.

The lunch bell rang scaring him awake. He got up and walked out but everyone he passed stopped and looked at him. "Midoriya smells like weed." "I know." They whispered.

He's only digging himself further and further in a ditch. I didn't feel like eating so I went to the library. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling on snapflat.

There was this story I clicked on. There was this guy who was driving he turned his camera and Deku was in the video. There were two other guys in the back. "Zuzu say cheese!" Deku smiles at the camera. So this is what he was doing yesterday.

Not even that how the fuck is this guy friends with me on snapflat. Another one of his story's it was a video of Deku smoking with some guy. He started coughing and the guy handed him water. Deku got up and fell over laughing.

This is what he's doing with his life. I had a feeling but I never wanted it to be true... Another one. This guy started laughing and filmed some car. He ran to the window and started laughing harder. He put the camera to the window and there Deku was...riding some guy.

I was pissed yeah but I had to right to be. We broke up. He can do what he wants. But I was pissed that he's letting his life go down some road.

I turn my phone off and sigh. He's not my problem anymore.

The door opens getting my attention. Deku walks in. He went somewhere in the back and five minutes later came back with five textbooks. While the librarian was scanning the books he looked around and made eye contact with me.

He immediately looked away and grabbed the books walking out.

I honestly don't think I can look at Deku the same. No one would've guessed what the things he does in his free time were. Like I said though. He's not my problem anymore.

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