uh oh stinky, poo

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The second the nurses saw him they brought out a stretcher and took him away putting an oxygen mask on him. I wanted to get mad and fight everyone but I knew I couldn't. Kira started crying and blamed himself.

We were at the hospital for three hours before the doctor called us to some weird room. "I suppose you two were the ones who brung him in?" We both nodded. "Right. We tried containing his parents or any family members-."

"He doesn't have any." "...I see. His records show he was expelled from school and lives on his own. Usually I would only be able to talk to family members but since you are the only people he has we will make an exception. Midoriya was in critical condition. He overdosed two times before. Which is what happened. He overdosed. He had too many drugs and alcohol in his system causing the overdoes. His heart stopped but we were able to get a stable heart beat. He's stable now and you guys can see him... he's in room 270."

We both ran to room 270. We opened the door and he was asleep with I.V's in him and an oxygen mask on him. The face paint was still on him.

"You fucking idiot."

[time skip: 2 days]

We were sitting in his room, Deku groaned and woke up. Kira and I quickly stood up. "We're the fuck am I?" He yawned and rubbed his eyes. I wanted to finally yell at him but the doctors came in and rushed us out.

An hour later we were able to see him. "When can I go back home." "You need help first." He glared at the both of us. "Nobody's ever helped me my whole life...I don't need or want help."

"Fucking Deku. Do you now know how I felt when I saw you fucking passed out!? I though you were going to fucking die... You aren't leaving this hospital until you get help."

He stares at me not saying anything. He turned the other way putting the covers over his head.

We went back to deku's and cleaned out any drugs or alcohol he had. Around 7 pm we got a call from the hospital saying deku's missing.

We rushed to the hospital, they had us look at the security cameras. He changed back into his clothes and literally just walked out the front door. He was tackled by security and he ended up fight them.

He flipped the, off before he ran. Fucking idiot! We tried finding him but had no luck. It was pitch dark out. We drove to his apartment and the door was wide open.

There was this guy covered it blood on the kitchen floor. We went into the living room and saw Deku passed out. He looked beat up and was covered it blood. "Not again!" "What the fuck are you talking about again!?"

Kira ran to him putting him on the coach. "These guys would come over and try to take Deku because of something to do with his parents. It always ends up like this."

Deku started to wake up. He spit out blood and shoved Kira away from him. "You two need to leave." "No fucking way Deku." He grabbed the side of his stomach, "Kacchan please go." He begged.

"Deku. I'm not leaving you." He looked to tired to argue back with me. We took his hoodie off and went to the bathroom. I heard heavy breathing and cry's on pain. Kira and I bust through the door to find him covered in more blood.

We was on the floor trying to stitch himself. "Zuzu you were stabbed!?" Deku started getting irritated and shoved Kira away. "I said I'm fine! Now can you two please fucking leave!" Kira helped him up and put him on the couch.

All of a sudden four other guys came in. "I told you guys to fucking leave!" Deku was in to much pain to get up. Two of the guys started to drag him away. "Get off him!"

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