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"Boss is on his way~!" I feel vulnerable...I hate it.

Half an hour later some guy walked in with a suite. "Ah...Long time no see huh my boy." I immediately froze with every though going through my head...'my boy?' There's no way in hell he's my...dad.

"Yes indeed...I'm your father." I didn't say anything. He's not my dad. I barely know my dad, but from what I remember he's an asshole. He stood in front of me. "Let me do some explaining, but let's get you out."

I brung my arms up, he stepped back shocked. "Like father like son I see." During the half hour I was alone I had already got them untied. I just wanted that asshole to come back than take all frustration out on him.

I decided to go with him, he took me to some elevator. Three floors later the elavator doors opened reaviling a mansion. It looked expensive in here.

"This way." He lead me to this room. It had a fire place and a expensive rug. Then it had a single chair and a desk. On the wall was a huge picture of my mom and him.

I clenched my first....he's definitely him.

I sat down and stared at him. "It's good to see you." I grit my teeth still staring at him. "Right...you want answers...I am your father. To cut it short after we had left you a year later your mother and I slowly became the number one drug cartel business- still am. For years I'd have men come to your house and try to take you back to me. Yes it sounds bad but I knew you couldn't come willingly....your a tough cookie. After your mother's passing I needed you here. To help take over the business."

My brain could barely process what he was saying. I haven't had something in my system for I don't even know how long. It was making me antsy. But I could understand some of it. "Fuck you and your shitty business. I want no part in it." I couldn't stop moving my hand. I was a whole fucking crackhead.

He raised an eyebrow, "...I see, you've fallen down that road Izuku." This was starting to piss me off. "Let's make a deal...Join me and I'll let you have and test any drug we have."

I wanted to say no, I wasn't going to let him get to me. "Fuck you." He smirked and shook his head, "let's see how a druggie with react to having no drugs for a certain amount of time."

All of a sudden two guy came in, one of them picked me up took me in the elevator. Of course I fought back....neither of them budged.

They set me down back in the room and closed the door. I cursed to myself. I already know sooner or later I'm going to give in...I can't give in. I'm not going to let him control me like that.

[timeskip: 2 days]

I haven't gave in. He'd check in and see if I changed my mind. It's driving me insane. Drugs are the only thing on my mind.

I know Kira or Kacchan aren't coming. I've given them so much shit it makes complete sense why they would at least try.

There were knocks on the door, "change your mind." I felt ashamed...I nodded my head. I felt like I was going crazy. "...Good." He lead me back up the elevator but this time to a room.

"Izuku. This will be your room, do as you please but don't go outside." He closed the door after that. I opened the curtains only to see a brick ball. "...fuck."

This room was pretty big...I looked around and saw drugs on the table and a note. "Our new drug called limeslaid. Test it and come back to me telling me the effects and symptoms."

Without hesitation I took the pill. I sat on the bed and waited, a few minutes later it all hit me like a truck. The whole room was all swirly with weird neon colors.


I had woken up in the indoor...garden? What the fuck. I open the door and see my dad. "You had fun...how was it?" "I don't know what the fuck that was but it's crazy." He nodded his head and handed me a large orange envelope.

What is this? I opened it and saw so much money. "What the hell is this." "My son...Since your trying our products it can't be free labor. You do get paid." I'm not complaining.

"We're going to have dinner tonight." It's annoying how he's acting all fatherly...And it's also annoying how I'm letting him do it.

I know it's been four days...and I miss Kacchan and Kira. Their kinda the only people who's never given up on me... but I know they're probably glad I'm gone.

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