Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen)

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Connor is baby. That's all I need to say.

Warning: Typical Murphy siblings love so there will be swearing and mentions of drugs/ drug use.

Connor's POV:

"Connor why the fuck are you high, we literally have school in 30 minutes?" Zoe said in her annoying voice she uses when she pretends to be mad at me.

"I'm high because now I am calm and relaxed so I can walk into school without having to fucking kill someone on the way in." Zoe grunted at my response, why can't she just leave me live my boring life without having to question my every move.

I made my way up the stairs to retrieve my bag from my room and finally walking groggily to school, I know weed makes me calm but that doesn't stop me from being tired. On my way to school I came across Evan Hansen and Jared Kleinman. Evan was quiet, too quiet but Jared was loud, too loud. Why can't people just talk normally?

The day has dragged on because it's only now lunch and I feel like I've been here for 10 hours, I go to sit in my usual corner but then I see a cute ass girl staring at me, I don't know who she is, don't really care but apart of me does care and does want to go up to her and talk but I'm staying right here. We continue making eye contact and whenever we do she smiles and something about her makes all the negative and shit things in my life go away.

Y/N's POV:   

It was my first day in my new school and I kept seeing this tall boy, kind of scruffy looking but fuck he was cute, I wanted to get to know him even if I was a little intimidated by his height.

It was lunch time and I've made quite a few new friends, this girl named Zoe Murphy took a keen interest in me but she couldn't sit with me at lunch because of Jazz club. I'm currently reading my favourite book written by one of my favourite Broadway actors, Andrew Rannells, I look up and who do I see, that intimidating kid, he looked up at me and I feel my cheeks burn and all I can do is smile. It was now time for class so I gather my things and wave goodbye to the unknown kid.

As I turned up to my last class of the day, I sensed someone staring at me, I turn around and who do I see? The tall, scruffy boy from lunch. He smiled at me and for the second time today, I got flustered and gave him a cheesy smile in return.

Connor's POV: 

I can't stop thinking about that girl! Shit, I don't even know her name.

It's finally the end of the day and I can see that mysterious girl with... MY SISTER?!? I feel like I'm going to faint, however, I quickly catch up to them and my god, she is fucking beautiful! "Hey guys, mind if I tag along?" Zoe sighed and cursed under her breath as I said this but I didn't care, I just care about HER response.

"Yeah sure, I don't think we've properly met, I'm Y/N", she said with a beaming smile.

"Connor". We continued to walk home, Zoe grunted after everything I said but like I said before, I don't care about her responses to things. 

As we got to Y/N's house, we quickly exchange numbers and I have honestly never been happier to get someones number. Zoe seems annoyed, probably because I'm now friends with Y/N. We are now home and I go upstairs into my room, I look at my phone only to see a text from Y/N, I smile to myself and reply.

It is currently 3:30am and Y/N and I have been texting all night, we have so much in common which is unusual. We say goodnight and for once I am actually very happy to have someone like Y/N in my life, I hope someday we will be more than friends... 

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