King George (Hamilton)

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King George is the best character in Hamilton, you can't prove me wrong. Jonathan Groff is just one talented human being and I love him :)

This takes place in England and if I get the History wrong or anything then you can correct me, I grant you permission XD.

England has become a miserable place. We lost the war between America and the King has been in the worst mood, people just think he's exactly the same but I know that he has become depressed. I'm his personal maid, I used to be a regular maid but just before the war the King gave me a promotion, I have no idea why and it was quite spontaneous, however, I am very thankful.

This morning while cleaning the King's room I found a letter, I usually find letters dotted around the place but this one had my name on it, I picked it up and as about to open it when the King came storming into the room. I quickly put the letter down as he just stood there staring at me, I felt intimidated but his presence was also somewhat calming.

"I was cleaning your room my King but I can leave if you want some alone time," I say as I walked towards him and the door but as I reached for the door handle, I felt a hand on mine.

"No, please stay, I must talk to you." I looked up at him and his eyes softened which hardly ever happened, especially due to these recent events.

"Of course my King." He led me to the sitting area in his room that overlooked his front garden. He walked to where I found the letter and picked something up. "Would you like me to do anything for you my King?" He turned around to look at me with a slight smile but didn't give an answer, I haven't seen him smile since the beginning of the war, when he was happy. The sight of him smiling made me smile too, I tried to hide my smile because last time someone smiled at him, he had them punished.

"Did you just smile at me?" He asked bitterly as his smile turned into a frown, his moods change so suddenly, this frightened me a lot. I decided not to lie about why I smiled as that would just inch me closer to death.

"Yes, but only because I haven't seen you smile in quite a while and it's nice to see you look happy, that's the only reason my King," I sounded surprisingly confident even though I was petrified, I started to shake out of fear that he wouldn't believe me. He walked towards me and I felt my body shake even more, if that was even possible.

"My apologies dear, I have been so blue lately (*Blue spotlight... on*) but I'm sure you were already aware of that, I see the way you talk about me to people around the town, you are probably the only person who doesn't hate me and my dear, I love that about you." I was so shocked, he apologised to me?! He wasn't actually going to kill me?! Wait, did he just say that he loved something about me? THE. KING. LOVES. SOMETHING. ABOUT. ME! I was about to say something when I felt a pair of lips interrupting me, they felt warm on mine so I kissed back. Things got heated quickly and soon enough we were making out, yes, MAKING OUT! I was making out with THE KING OF ENGLAND, did my hair look good today or something? Or maybe it was because I was wearing a new dress, whatever it was, I'm glad the King noticed.

He pulled away needing to catch his breath when he said 5 words that made me melt, "would you be my Queen?" My eyes widened and I couldn't speak so I pulled him into another kiss.

Well... how does it feel to have made out with King George? ;)

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