Sunday:New clues

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"Three bodies in two days wow that's a record" John said rubbing his hair , pacing up and  down in the conference room in front of the eight homicide agents "what do you think about this?" he added

"Well by the looks of things, these murders are just a coincidence" Gerald an agent said writing something down

"I beg to differ I on the other hand think this is a spree serial killer" Jessica Salvatore who was once John's classmate in high school said looking at her notes

"So what I suggest is that we send three different teams to go and investigate each of these murders and come back with what they would have got" Karl Tonez said looking directly at John

John paused for a while then replied

"Yes that would be a wise move, I will be in the team that investigates the murder of the prostitute"

"Cute" Karl said smiling

"Don't start" John said narrowing his eyes at him and everyone turned to look at him

"Whats cute about that" Jessica asked raising her right eye brow to prove she already knew the answer

"Kaaarl!!" John yelled

"Okay okay I won't say anything cross my heart" he said raising his hands up high

"You are all dismissed" John said as he walked out of the conference room and headed for the main door

"John!" someone called from behind, he stopped and turned it was Sanchez

"Hey" he greeted her

"Hey where are you headed?" she asked looking straight into his eyes

"I'm going to grab a bite then check out the Getrude crime scene" he replied

"Okay while you are at it try and visit Rose's friend called Sonya profile her it might help" she said handing him a piece of paper with the address of the girl

"Okay fine ill do that have a nice day" he said leaving the Precinct. He drove his car towards the highway and was out of town in no time. After a period of about fifteen minutes he took a turn to café close to where the second body had been found. As in many police departments John was one of the smart ones he was the intellect in his branch and since Coner Fitz was out of town for a while he had to do most of the thinking on his own. He stood where he had been standing the day they found the body and looked at the way the body had been lying on the ground then began picturing all angles at which the murder would have occurred. He began eliminating them one by one and then it hit him, there was not a clue which allowed him to eliminate any of the approaches he had thought of. He narrowed his eyes and started walking around the scene then trying to look at it from a different angle then there it was his first clue, there were shoe prints which came from the body and ended a few meters where grass was growing. He then followed the direction in which the foot prints went when he reached the grass and in a few seconds he was standing on a lot of flat grass (a car was here, meaning the murder was not committed here this is just a dumping site but what type of car) he thought to himself as he analyzed the ground. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed a number

"Hello Fitz is it you?" John said

"Yes its me, what is it?" asked the voice in the phone

" What do you make of a killer who kills three people in two days?" he asked looking at the grass

"Two words for you, spree killer" replied Fitz "but are you sure it is the same person?" he added

"That I will have to find out soon enough right now its just a hunch but thanks anyway" John said as he hung up and continued to  scrutinize the area.

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