Monday : Contegency plan

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Jessica groaned in her sleep like someone who was in pain, she kept changing positions and frowning like someone who was being tormented mentally.

"No I'm too young" she murmed, tears flowing down her eyes.

She began to sweat so much her pillow got wet. The twisting and turning got even worse until she fell off her bed thus marking an end to whatever horrific experience she was having in the land of the half living. She woke up the minute she touched the ground. Immediately she began to sob. Whatever emotions she had in her dream had followed her to reality. Why is this happening to me? she thought as she continued to sob. As she lay there oblivious of everything around her the sound of thunder brought her back to reality. It was already 6 in the morning but one could be fooled to think its somewhere around 4 due to the heavily overcast weather that prevailed on that day. She stood up, snoozed her alarm before it went off and went to take a bath. After completion ,she headed downstairs and sat down to finish off opening the presents her friends got for her on Saturday.

She smiled as she opened Gerald's, it was a silver necklace with a red Indian dream catcher at its end. Ohw so he does pay attention she thought as she tried it on. She went on to open the rest of the presents. Most of them were jewellery it seems most of them believed memories are best stored in silver, diamond or gold and to her it very true there is no best way to remember someone than with jewellery. Hearing the car horn outside she quickly put away the gifts, locked her door and hopped into Casey's car.

"Wow I thought I was finally going to get a peace order from your neighbours for pointlessly sounding the car horn every morning" Casey said as she accelerated the car

"Morning girl how are you today?" Jessica said clearly ignoring the attempted joke

"I'm a bit under the weather, I hate rainy nights" she replied and Jessica narrowed her eye's at her.

"What, who hates rainy nights" Jessica said

"Me, I just said it like right now" replied Casey

"You have got some issues sweety" Jessica teased her


"You didn't come with Gerald today" Jessica asked

"I only came with him on Saturday I never came with him before that, look just admit you want to talk about him" Casey said

"Whaaat is that what I said" Jessica tried to defend herself

"You like him its pretty obvious Jess" Casey spilled it

"Is it that obvious?" Jessica asked blushing

"Yes it is and fortunately for you he feels the same way" Casey said making Jessica's day brighter

They got to the precinct and the rest of the team was already there in the conference room discussing about the Invisible man case.

"And here I thought I was going to win detective of the year by being the first person on Monday" Jessica said as she entered the room

"Did you guys even sleep, like its 6:30 and yall already sitting in here" Casey commented

"Uh some of us have families to take care of" Don said making inverted commas with his fingers

"It still strikes me as a surprise that you are actually a father" Jessica said causing the lot to giggle

"Good morning to you too" Johnny said with a lot of irony "please feel free to take your seats" he added with a lot of sarcasm

"Ohw sorry Johnny" Casey apologised and they settled down

"Okay so as I was saying, Augustine is probably going to strike at any of these places stated here, so what suggestions have you got on how we pin point where he strikes?" Johnny said

"How about we give him a target" Richard suggested

"As you can see Richard he is a serial killer not a bounty hunter" Don said in an effort to annoy Richard

"el ojo ciego hace un trato con el diablo" Richard said baffling everyone in the room

"You speak Spanish" Fitz asked and Richard nodded

"You are just full of surprises aren't you" Jessica comments

"Indeed he is" responds Fitz staring at Richard

"So what is this thing you stated" asked Gerald

"It is a method which was used by hunters to hunt down vicious predators like jaguars or tigers. You see when you don't know where exactly it is. You see we create a big event in the central point of two of the areas and remove all patrollers but they will be in civilian clothing" Richard said and was cut off by Don before he finished talking

"Uhm not to be a party pooper but that's so stupid its a clear trap he'll see it even my ten year old son can know its a trap" Don ridiculed Richard's idea

"May I finish?" Richard said ignoring Don

"Yes please" Casey says politely

"He will definitely know that we planned this, he'll know its a trap but he won't let his ego be soiled on like that. We already challenged him on live television and the attempted attack at the fuel station proves it worked meaning he is going to strike and I know who exactly he is going to hit" Richard said

"Who?" Casey asked

"Me" responded Richard tonelessly

"And you are not afraid of that, what if the plan goes west" Jessica asks with concern

"Fear is but just an illusion" replied Richard emotionless

"You are watching too many movies dude" Jessica comments

"So execute this today, I've written a statement in the newspaper that will surely motivate him even more" Richard said

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Sala held the newspaper and turned the pages. He stopped at a certain page and his face changed from mild to furious. He squeezed the paper then tore it apart. He breathed heavily cursing Richard for under estimating him. I Augustine Sala a mindless imbessile and a coward he thought as he walked up and down in his room you are going to regret this detective I assure you.

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