Monday:The Game Changer

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The orange sun rose in the horizon marking the beginning of a new day for everyone. Monday the most hated day by all, the men, women, teens even the toddlers disliked this day. The weekend had been murder free meaning it was a free weekend for our homicide detective Johnny and his crew. The crew were only called upon when there was a murder so if there were no murders, they were free to do as they wished. Johnny watched the sunrise from his bedroom window as he opened the windows, breathing in the fresh Monday morning air he smiled. There was nothing that brought him joy than his job even though at some point in life it nearly broke him I know I can't change what happened but this time I'll never let something like that happen ever again he thought to himself looking at his fiancé who lay peacefully in their bed then back to the still rising sun.

"What is my hero thinking about now?" a sweet voice said and he turned and smiled

"Just wondering what our baby would look like" replied Johnny smiling as he walked towards his lover. He kissed her on the forehead then went to take a bath. Carol joined him and they did what all lovers do when they bath together.A short while after they were through they were already on their way to work when Johnny received a call. He held the receiver to his left ear, Antonette watched him with the corner of her left eye.

"Fitz" he said

"Can you make it to Hillside motel?" said Fitz

"Yes, I'm on the highway that has a route that goes there"

"Then you better take that turn you have got to see this man" Fitz said "i think we might have a case on our hands" he added and hung up

Johnny's face changed slightly and went back to normal.

"What's wrong what did he say?" Carol asked looking at her man

"A murder there's been a murder at a motel in Hillside" he replied

"Oh, okay then we better head there then" she said and accelerated the car.

They arrived at the motel ten minutes after the call. Their car was showed where to park by one of the cops who was in charge of securing the crime scene.. Johnny got out of the car bid farewell to Carol with a kiss and was signaled by Fitz to come where he was standing. Carol left for the precinct and Johnny remained at the crime scene. Yellow tape had already been put around the scene and it seemed to cover a very big part of the open space maybe too big. He went under the tape and headed for his partner and mentor Fitz

"Morning" he said and Fitz nodded.

Next to Fitz was a black plastic covering something that looked like a body. Fitz removed it and Johnny coughed after inhaling the foul odor which came from the body.

"Damn!" he said

"I know right"

. It was a human body that had been rode on and was now chunks of smelling flesh.

"Hit and run?" Johnny asked

"No look closely" replied Fitz looking at the body

Johnny scanned the body from top to bottom then realized something.

"Murder" he said kneeling next to the body

"Continue"Fitz said

"It might be a controversial fact but the body facing up is a very rare position for a hit and run situation and also the setting, hit and runs usually occur on highways not on motel parking lots" he said and looked up at Fitz who nodded in agreement "wait Fitz do you see this" Johnny added looking back at Fitz

"What?" asked Fitz as he went and knelt on the other side of the body

"If you look closely not the whole face was rode on its only unrecognizable because three quarters of the whole head was destroyed, this person was facing that direction, also look at this the position of this hand it's also pointed in the same direction" he said

A Game of Hide and Seek [COMPLETE][UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now