Saturday : Surprise

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She twisted and turned in bed and just when she found the best position to continue her slumber her alarm sounded. She closed her eyes trying to ignore the shrills ,next thing she knows she hits blindly trying to reach for her terribly annoying alarm clock.

"Damn it!! can't a girl get some beauty sleep" she complained turning it off

"Beauty sleep is only for beautiful people" a voice said coming from behind her and she turned to that direction

"How did you get in?" she asked surprised

"I am the invisible man after all mon ami"

"What!?" Jessica said

"Its Sala, Fitz told me he over used the word mon ami" Casey  replied "Were you drinking last night because you seem to have left your front door unlocked"

"What!!" Jessica said abruptly sitting up

"Just messing with you, remember you gave me a spare key" Casey joked around 

"What time is it?" Jessica said rubbing her eyes

"About time" Casey said pulling the curtains apart letting in so much light Jessica went temporarily blind and covered her eyes like Dracula exposed to sunlight.

"Why did I even give you those keys, my mornings have been crap ever since" Jessica complained as she walked to the bathroom

"Need some company!!" Casey yelled

"No thanks I'm straight!" replied Jessica

"Then you wouldn't mind my company" Gerald said leaning against the side of the door

"What!! Casey looked at him "him too ah ah no"

"What about me I'm muscular" Johnny said walking in flexing his muscles with Fitz following him

"Outa the way" Don yelled as he shoved Johnny out of the way nearly causing him to fall. He jumped and landed hands and legs spread on Jessica's bed "oh yeah I have wanted to sleep here since I met you, you know if I wasn't married I'd marry you,interested in a poligamy?" he joked around

"No thank you I'm taken" she replied

"By me" Richard said walking in with a huge rectangular birthday cake which read {Jessica @28 our baby detective}

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!" the crew all said at the same time. Jessica held her mouth overwhelmed with joy

"Guysss" she said with tears of joy flowing down her rosy cheeks.

"Where are the candles?" Gerald asked

"Carol and Sanchez ate them" Fitz said trying very hard not to laugh

"Sorry I couldn't help it" Carol defended as she went and stood next t o Johnny

"I'm not sorry, I have every right" Sanchez said proudly rolling her eyes

"Its the baby that has the right you are just a vessel woman" Don said in an exaggerated French accent

"Baby" Jessica said confused "oh my God are you expecting?" she added more tears forming in her her eyes

"Ahh not again you are hurt you cry, you are happy you cry why so much confusion, women are a handful" Don said again with his French accent

"It's still very hard for me to believe that you have children you know" Carol teased Don and everyone laughed

"Blow the candles mama, they are there blow and make a wish" Sanchez said and everyone was quiet

She blew the imaginary candles

"May we stay forever young" she said and started crying. Carol and Casey hugged her as the rest of the team sang for her.

Later that day

Jessica looked at her watch and Rose was fifteen minutes late but since it was Saturday she might have been stuck in traffic. It was still a mystery to her why Rose wanted to meet her they barely knew each other. After about ten minutes she entered the store dressed in a blue demin jean complimented by its matching jacket with a black top inside. Down she wore simple beige sandals.

She walked like someone who knew she was late. Her black beautiful hair was let free in a neat afro and she carried a simple blue backpack. Jessica was getting impatient because the restaurant seemed to get emptier by the minute even though it was normal nowadays people had changed to curfews a bit more strict.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting" she said as she took a seat in front of Jessica

"It's okay how are you" Jessica replied

"Fine, how is your day going?" Rose asked smiling

"um mm I'd say very well yours?" said Jessica

"So how many Christmases have you feasted on" she asked and Jessica was surprised and thought she did not hear correctly

"Come again" she said and Rose removed her backpack, opened it and pulled out a 6cm square box and handed it to her. She took it and slowly opened it, there was a gold necklace with a heart shaped end covered with diamonds

"Happy birthday" Rose said smiling so much it got to Jessica. Her smile showed so much joy, pure joy it was real in every way.

"This is for me, oh my God thank you" Jessica said sincerely

"No need for that, Chris!" she yelled

"Yes detective" the young waiter who usually served Jessica and the team when they were here answered

"Bring the birthday treat for the real detective here" Rose said and Chris came carrying a tray with a square carrot cake written {My Hero and Heroine 28} with a 28 shaped burning candle

"Blow and make a wish" Chris said smiling down at her

Jessica blew the candle

"May the dear Lord grant you ,your heart's desires" she said

"He already has" said Rose smiling at Jessica

"What?" Jessica asked

"Nothing, so tell me do you love parks" Rose said and Jessica nodded.

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