Friday: Murder at the motel

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"Run!!" Antoinette yelled as she breathed heavily tears flowing endlessly down her cheeks. She could not stop crying. She was a regular jogger, so her pace was really overwhelming for the motel keeper who was quite the opposite. He was the lazy glutton type, the only thing that kept him from fainting right now was the hard work he does on the farm when he visits his father in the village.

Seeing how her partner was about to die she decided to stop for him to catch some air and also hoping the psychotic maniac who was chasing them would fail to find them. They hid in some bushes that gave them clear view of where they came from and where the killer might be coming from, so they thought. Carlton the motel owner tried as much as possible not to breathe to loudly but the harder he tried the harder it became for him to breathe

"How does he know this place so well does he work here?" Antoinette asked her hands shaking from sheer terror and Carlton shook his head in response "then how does he know?" she added in an irritated manner

"I showed him around" replied Carlton sullenly. Antonette's eyes became more watery you have doomed us all  she was sure they were not going to come out of this alive all because of Carlton

"You son of a" she cut short by a deafening gunshot. Her heart skipped a beat and she began looking around trembling even more now

"We got to go do you see him" she said turning to Carlton "oh my God" she added in a whisper. Carlton was lying on the ground bleeding from a bullet hole in his forehead. Antoinette began shaking to the extant that she could not even stand then she heard crackling behind her. She fell to the ground and turned to see what it was and yes her living nightmare had come very true. He stood there in all his might with a silver desert eagle in his right hand.

He took one step towards her into the light which clearly lit up his sadistic grin. Antoinette broke down, she knew all was lost this was the last face she was going to see. This man surely had no soul because the way he had killed her fiancé was cold. When her fiancé begged for his life he showed no sign of care or remorse it was like he was a machine. She was pulled out of her trance by the movement of the killer's hand, he was slowly lifting his hand pointing the revolver at her. 

"God ends here" he said and his face returned to the cold emotionless vessel she had seen earlier "salamaleko" he added and pulled the trigger.

5 hours earlier 

"Dear, John, please, Johnny come home I need your love and the kids they gotta be fed" Augustine sang along as he drove at a very slow and steady speed headed towards a remote place in Hillside. The place was very colourful this time of the year all the flowers were sprouting, and mother nature was smiling at the world with green fresh vegetation, the grass was greenest in these times of the year. Sala loved these times because these days were the days when he was truly happy as a young boy when his parents were still happily married however nothing lasts forever.

"And John if you don't hurry back ill be gone" he sang along concluding his song and long trip.

He pulled up in front of a small but very attractive white building with a huge bay window with very beautiful purple thick curtains at the far right corner of the building then to the far left stood a brown smooth looking French door. This must lead to the reception  he thought but before he even left his car someone walked out of the French doors headed for his car. Sala got out of his car and waited for the young man to arrive

"Good morning Sir" the young man said

"Good morning to you too Carl...ton" Sala responded reading the young man's name tag. Carlton was a short average bodied African American fellow with a potential to be fat someday. He wore simple but neat formal clothing which consisted of a black well ironed trouser, a white shirt tucked in and finally below he wore Lacoste black shiny shoes.

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