ChapteR 1. Where am I?

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(Y/n)'s pov:

My eyes slowly opened met with pure darkness.
Fear came over me.
You never knew what you were to expect, that was one of the reasons I hated the dark.
My whole body was limited to movement, I was in some sort of box? Probably was the cause of my body aching from being restrained in a position for so long.

I tried my best to move to give my body parts some freedom. I stopped my goal of movement when I heard two voices coming outside my restraint.

"Hey stop that!"

"Awwwwww come on let me just touch your arm!"

Now I was interested. I tried to shuffle more as my weak body lacking nutrition tried to push against the big metal-like walls.


I was now suddenly on the floor, face-first on the cold ground, my (H/c) hair hanging in front of my face as I looked up.
As I realized I was wearing a skirt my face went absolutely red realizing whoever was in the room could probably see my knickers.

I for sure now flustered tried to pick my weak body up from the floor.

I heard soft snickers from the room and heavy steps zooming my way.
I felt suddenly cold hands wrap around my waist and bring me up to my wobbling feet.

"Wow, you sure are light"

I quickly found my balance and fixed my skirt before looking up at the person who had helped me.
It was a teenage boy around my age? Who closely resembled a robot of some sort.
He was accompanied by a purple-haired boy whose faced was clearly trying to cover stiff giggles.
They both taller than me.

I quickly ignored him and put all my attention on the boy who had just helped me.

"Omg t-thank you so-so much! My name is (Y/n) (L/n)!"

"No need to thank me, my name is Kiibo"

I looked at the other boy who's faced by now was red. He suddenly burst out into laughter.

"We just saw your panties nishishishi!"

My face burst out into red and my face got heated up by the moment.
I tried to seem unfazed but quickly put my face into my hands trying to restrain tears coming out from my eyes.

I was never one to speak up or talk. I had always been sheltered my whole life.
My parents never let me interact with other children, they just kept me for themselves as their little experiment.

I have anemia, causing me to always be a fragile child. I never really toughed it out when I was younger or when I was growing up cause of me getting light-headed very easily or me getting headaches.

"Kokichi that is no way to talk to a lady! Maybe try to be a gentleman for once!"

A muffled 'sorry' could be heard.
I brought my head up as the heat slowly began to fade.

"Oh right! My name is Kokichi Ouma! Ultimate Supreme leader!"

He said with a cheeky grin. It made me giggle, making the air a bit less tense.

"I'm the Ultimate dreamer. Not very exciting I know."

They both nodded taking in the information.

"Sooooo does that basically mean you sleep a lot??? You must be boriiiiing!"

I forced a giggle to make it seem like I was comfortable, which I really wasn't. Though I think he caught that it was fake as he looked up at me with a little glare.

"Don't say things about her that aren't true, you barely know her so you can't assume anything about her."

I mouthed 'it's okay' to the purple boy making him giggle a bit which calms me down even more.

"If you would like to know, we both woke up in strange metal boxes, just like you. We haven't heard anything and the doors are locked to the room."

We waited for some seconds for someone to say something before Kokichi shouted,

"So where the hell are we? I'm supposed to be leading my very super-secret group!"

I looked at him and gave him a quick smile at his weird joke, it was filled with sarcasm.
Before I realized that I didn't either know where we were.

I started to hyperventilate and my head started to get dizzy.
I think Kokichi realized what was going on before he got to my side and started to pat my back if even that worked.

Kiibo started murmuring to himself.

A sudden voice made me jump from Kokichi's grip on my back.

"Please all Student's report to the gym! We have a special announcement for everyone!"

We all looked at each other among us, a sudden 'click' came from the door probably meaning the doors unlocked.
Kiibo went to open the door to the classroom room we were in.

He gestures for us to follow him.
Kokichi never left my side and kept trying to calm me down from my stressed-out mood by making jokes.
Even if I was still thinking to myself my head getting drowned by my own thoughts, there is a reason why I'm the Ultimate dreamer, after all, I still made a point to laugh and get a bit frustrated when he made a joke about me having pink knickers.

'Hey Its popular among the girls' I mumbled under my breath trying hard to defend myself even if I still shy to do anything.
He chucked a bit, I'm sure he had heard my statement.

"Hey, guys I found it!"

I heard Kiibo yell in front of us.
I quickly grabbed Kokichi's hand and dragged him along with me.
Though my grasp wasn't very strong he still made sure to keep his pace up. I never let go of the warmth of his hand.

I think it was pretty nice of him.

I somehow felt, safe? In grasp, I felt protected even if he had made a lot of jokes about my panties, he still made sure to keep me comfortable and calm. Not many people would even consider talking to me. So I guess I kinda grew a small liking to his company.

He seems very nice. Maybe he was someone I could trust?
Mamma always said not to grow comfortable around anyone.

But he seems trustable.

We quickly caught up with Kiibo as he opened big doors to a huge room.
There were already people in the gym, they looked to be alarmed when we entered.

"Omg, more people!"

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