ChapteR 3. Meeting up.

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(Y/n)'s pov:

The doors burst open with 4 more people.

Three girls and a really short guy, like really short.

"More fucking people!"

The girl with whitish pinkish hair yelled.
I flinched and got closer to Rantaro.

Kokichi's pov:

Something inside me clenched.
Why did I need to be so immature, (Yn) probably hates me now.
And now that stupid guy was taking advantage of her.

I didn't mean to cross my boundaries and all and make (Y/n) uncomfortable.
I just don't know why I feel like this, or is thinking this.
I shouldn't.
After all that I probably caused her, I shouldn't be thinking about her.

But I think she forgives me.

I want to get closer to (N/n)-chan.

As some girls and a short guy came to the gym I got closer to everyone who was now again forming a group.

Every person, including that damn Rantaro, was surrounding (Y/n).

She clearly looked so uncomfortable and anxious, and it was so fucking clear they were trying to get me as far away from her.

"Hey (Y/n), how are you feeling right now?"

I hear the girl with blue hair ask (Y/n), Tsumigi. It made my blood boil, that girl even had the audacity to point at me while asking her that.

Yes, I did pass my boundaries but I apologies to her, they're are making me look like a bad guy.

I just want to talk to someone.

As the people approached us, I could see a girl with green-blackish hair look at basically all the guys and scoff.

"Got a staring problem princess?"

I snarkily ask, on my part she was staring at every guy.

"Hello! Are you guys okay!?"

(Y/n) rushed over to the group of new people. Rantaro followed her and stood by her, of course, he did. Now he was just acting like her boyfriend, following her and shit.
She's too pretty for him though.

"...yeah, we just appeared her, and a voi-"

"A voice told you to go to the gym? That happened to all of us too!"

Kaede spoke up.
They all nodded.

"Ugh, why are there so many degenerate males! Poor of us girls..."

She is already getting on my nerves.

"Could we all just introduce ourselves?"

Tsumugi asked. She seems to be just so calm right now.
Yeah most of us aren't panicking, but we are still stressed.
She just looks really calm.

"Prepare to be amazed. Fall to your knees. I am Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Mage"

A quiet voice was heard, almost in a monotone like tone, but not as quiet or cute- well shy as (Y/n).
An awkward silence filled the room like we were all waiting for something.

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