Newbie : Chapter 1

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"Wake up honey it's first day of school and I'm sure you don't want to be late!" My Mum softly called from my bedroom door.

I hate mornings, especially when it was the first day of school. The school was a privately owned estate, a massive victorian styled mansion with several buildings connecting to one. Dad said it was a school for the privilege and unique, I'm not quite sure what he meant but I wasn't unique or special anyway.

Slowly I swung my legs over the side of the bed and scrambled for my phone shit 8:31 schools started inn half an hour. With he massive wake up call I dashed to my closet and picked out some of my decent looking clothes.

"Yup this should do!"

I stood in front of my mirror and examined myself. My long naturally pink hair flowed over my shoulder and down my back gracefully, I had slipped on a white top and black skinny jeans the showed my hour glass curve. My eyes where shinning a bright baby blue, I felt like I looked nice. I swiftly grabbed my bag and skipped downstairs almost tripping on the invisible last step. Ouch that kinda hurt I thought to myself limping through the hallway.

"Ah Lilia breakfast is ready"

I could just hear my Mum over the sounds of bacon cooking. It smelled heavenly, I walked into the kitchen and in the dinning table sat two plates full of egg and bacon and two pieces of toast, eagerly I sat down and dug in.

"This tastes great Mum" I flashed her a wide smile and got one in return. I washed my dirty plate and was about to head out the door when mum stopped me and happy yet seriously look swept across her face.

"I want you to remember to be safe there who knows what could happen"

"Ok? Bye Mum"

Awkwardly I squeezed past her and jogged across the street making my way to my new school. Honestly I'm not quite sure where I'm going I just vaguely remember the route dad showed me when we drove around, scoping out the neighbourhood. Kicking loose rocks the came in contact with my foot I silently walked along the street when the school grounds came in to view. Wow it was massive, the building its self was big and connected to three other slightly smaller buildings. The front garden had a massive fountain in its centre with a statue of a angel with its wings folded back.

Eventually I made it too the schools rather large gates, the grounds were covered in all sorts of people, I noticed that all the new kids didn't have the school shirt on like me, I was told we were assigned one in first class.


I was hit by something that flew pass me at a unimaginable speed. I hit the ground roughly, banging my head in the cement, my vision blurred for a second.

"Shit are you alright?"

An image of a tall make looking figure stood over me then my eyes centred again, a tall not to skinny broad looking boy, with deep black/blue hair and bright blue eyes was holding his hand out to me.

"Ouch" I whimpered reaching for the boys hand.

"Well at least you not bleeding" the strange boy flashed a smile his teeth sharp as needles. "I'm Lucian by the way" he introduced himself while helping me off the dirty path.

"Lilia, I'm Lilia" I returned a smile. I wonder how he was going that fast he doesn't have any sort of skateboard, it left me puzzled. The schools bell broke me from my train of thought as every one tried to shuffle through the schools door at once.

"Come one there's a meeting for all new transfers in the schools hall we don't want to miss it" Lucian spoke, "follow me" in a flash he started to walk really fast so fast I literally had to jog to keep up. He lead me through many halls and turns before we reached the hall just in time to see what I presumed was the principle take the stage. He was a tall and broad looking man with deep yellow eyes, clean slick brushed back hair, he stood as if royalty fixing his tie and suit he took the stand.

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