His Cure : Chapter 12

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I dropped my phone and just snuggled closer. The only person I thought would cause trouble was one of the only ones whose here for me. I can't just forget something like this.

"You were going to find out sooner or later" Kylel whispers into my neck. I can feel his warm breath down my neck.

"So you knew?" I mumble.

"Not about this one" he answers truthfully.

"I don't understand how could you play someone like this" I sob.

"That's Lucians job he's a personal body guard and is known for the lengths he goes to make sure you don't even know he's what he is" he growls at his own words.

It just makes me cry more. How can you toy with people, making them feel like their there for you but their just getting paid for it.

I hear him sigh.

"It's rude to read people's mind.." I manage to say as I calm down.

"I don't think I need permission at a time like this" Kylel smirks.

Seeing him smile helps calm me. Just gives me that feeling here's a safe place, no drama. Just isolated from society.

He looks down at me and wipes my tears away. If only it was that easy to wipe away this problem, the lies, to forget. I watch as he gets up and assures me he's coming back and surely he does with a towel.

Wiping my tears I cuddle my knees, I clasp to towel around me.
It's freezing.. Kylel sighs as he turns around and walks back to where he just came although he came back with a long sleeved shirt and threw it a my face. At least he doesn't get in my head 24/7.

"Crying doesn't suit you..." He states "go change, before you freeze to death".

Gathering the towel and what seemed like a extremely long sleeved black shirt I waddled over to the ensuite. Inside was just a clean white tiled room with a small raised window. The shower stood in the right corner, and directly beside the door was a small counter top and sink with a mirror stationary on the wall just above.

I shut and locked the door. I trust Kylel but not that much, I can faintly hear a small laugh behind the door.

'Smart girl' I hear his thoughts purr.

I look into the mirror and nearly cried harder. I looked like a mess. My eyes were red and puffy as I was still crying. Any makeup I had out on this morning was washed down my face by my tears. I was beyond pale considering I was already ghostly pale. My body shook slightly as the air still felt cold on my skin as I changed.

God I'm lucky my gym shorts are dry because all he gave me was a shirt. His shirt on my was overly long I could almost wear it as a knee length dress.

Trying my best to hold it together, I cleaned my face and walked back to Kylel.

"Thanks.." I mumble "for your shirt.."

He doesn't reply he just pulls me onto the bed and let's me lay on his chest. We lay in silence as I just listen to his heart, a small nearly inaudible beat could be heard every few seconds... Considering he's half vampire that's more then I expected.

I can feel his finger drawing circles in my palm softly.

That electric feeling was so intense the moment his hand touched mine. It was much more intense then it was before, maybe it's just because I'm all over the place at the moment. I closed my eyes as his fingers entwined with mine. This is what I need someone to rely on, on a deeper level ... As my mate...

I tried to focus on his thoughts.


"Do you feel it?" Kylel whispers to me out of the blue "that electric feeling..."

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