Birthday Boy! : Chapter 7

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We walked up to a modern house that sat side by side with other houses enclosed by a few trees. It looked cosy, out front of the was a tiny grey pebble path that lead to a white slick door decorated in glass panels.

I walked up the pebble path towards the door as Lucian disappeared from i front of me. A second later he was inside the house unlocking the door.

"Make yourself at home" Lucian says with a smile opening his arms towards inside.

"Don't mind if I do!" Says Kylel running to the couch and sprawling himself out.

I can't help but giggle as Lucian growls.

After an hour of deciding what we were going to watch we settled on a horror movie. Out of the choices of 'The Lion, The Witch an The Wardrobe', 'Avatar' and one of the saw movies. 'Saw' seemed the only decent one. I had finally settled down in the middle of the couch, after stealing all the pillows when I realised.

"We need popcorn!" I shouted maybe a little to loudly.

"Oh yea, there might be some in the kitchen if you want to look." Lucian agreed.

I jumped of the couch and gave them a clear look of 'don't you dare steal my pillows' and started to head for some popcorn the turned back around.

"Um where's the kitchen?"

"Just past the stairs to the left" Lucian instructed.

Following what I was told I made it the kitchen a started searching the cupboards for popcorn.

"Ah hah!" I whispered in achievement to myself.

In the microwave for 2 minutes, easy enough. Sticking it in the microwave I played the waiting game.


A phone buzzed on the kitchen counter top. Curious I walk over and pick it up not meaning to read the message.

'Aw don't be a bum, just wanted to wish you happy 18th <3 May the odds be ever in my favour .... Mate ;)
~love Ordelia'

Whose phone is that? And whose Ordelia? And mate! I don't know why it bothers me to think either Lucian or newly met Kylel have mate already. Take the phone ask questions when I get back, that's the plan.

With the popcorn hot in one hand, and the phone in the other I made my way back to see Lucian stolen all my pillows.

"Hey!" I growled playfully.

"You snooze you lose" he winked shyly at me.

"Oh um, whose phone is this?" I ask holding up a black IPhone.

"Mine!" Lucian claims.

Throwing it over to him he catches it without a problem. That could of ended badly.

Taking my seat I watch Lucian read the message on his phone with a look of disgust. Ok?.

"Sooo... It's your birthday tomorrow?" I ask out of the blue.

"Oh yea, forgot" Lucian mumbles, running his fingers loosely through his dark blue hair.

How can you forget your own birthday? And it's his 18th! Shouldn't he be excited. Pushing off the thought i scooted over to Lucian and stole some pillows back.

The night ran late, I think we sat through all of the 'Saw' movies listening to Kylel laugh hysterically every time something bad would happen to someone. Not crazy at all.

It was morning before we knew it and I had somehow managed to sprawl myself across the couch and over Lucians lap.

~*~*~*~*~Lucians Point of View~*~*~*~*~

Electricity was running throughout my body it wasn't a pain, I can't explain it but it felt right.

I woke to the sun lightly tickling my face and soft sighs coming from beside me.

The electric feeling...

No way....

"M..mate?" I whisper hoarsely.

"Hmmm" I sleepy Lilia replied.

Rubbing her eyes softly, she sat up. Turning my head I could see a silently pissed Kylel leaning against the archway with his arms crossed. What could he possible be angry about now.

'Mate...' I can hear him growl lowly in his head.

No way....

~*~*~*~*~Lights Point of View~*~*~*~*~

I had planned this morning, after Kylel and Lucian stormed of together, to throw together a small surprise party at a cafe not to far from here.

I called Cupid who generously offered to set it up which only left me to invite Hazel, Riley and Brandon.

"Done!" I squeal to myself in happiness.

"Done with what?" Two people mumbled in unison behind me.

Turning around Lucian and Kylel are standing there looking a little annoyed.

"N..nothing!" I blurt out.

"Although I'm starving let go out for breakfast!" I smile.

"Well there's a good cafe not to far from here 'Ocean blue' I think it's called..." Kylel grins.

Perfect! Exactly where we need to go and I don't have to do anything! I smile to myself in victory earning weird glares from both Lucian and Kylel.

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