Im Not the Enemy : Chapter 18

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I'm completely confused and terrified.

"I'm sorry" I mumble, shaking my head.

Maybe it's all in my head, I'm just delusional from whatever is spreading throughout my body.

It's painless at least.

I grasp my head in my hands and bring my knees tightly against my chest.

'This is just the beginning'

A dark voice echoes within my head.

"" I whimper.

~*~*~*~*~Caspers Point of View~*~*~*~*~

"No" I reply bluntly with a straight face.

"Damn it Casper! Come on!, what else can we fucking do!" Kylel barks hitting the wall beside me.

"I don't trust him, especially not with Lilia" I growl.

The Cruentus family healer, Telesphoros. A user of dark magic and twisted contracts, no man with that kind of background is to be trusted. Yet Kylel thinks otherwise.

"Don't see you coming up with anything better" he grunts.

"Yeah Pæon"

My fathers personal healer.

Kylel looks deep in thought. I've never seen him so stressed before its amusing yet troubling.

"Fine" I hear kylel growl lowly.

"Let's go, the sooner we find out what the fuck is going on the better" I mutter climbing up the stairs.

~*~*~*~*~Lilias Point of View~*~*~*~*~

I know I'm not awake yet I feel like I haven't closed my eyes. The world around me feels so real.

The wind whipping through my hair as I walk through the fields soft long grass. The sounds of birds singing carelessly and freely in the surrounding lush trees. I'm gradually heading towards a massive white mansion. It's walls overgrown with weeds and time. It looks like something right out of a fairytale.

"Lilia..." A sweet voice sings from inside the castle like mansion

A warm lulling hum followed after. Iv heard this melody before, but where?.

The mansions massive wooden doors open effortlessly, granting me access inside.

"Hello?" My voice echoes through the empty halls.

Entering I step inside to be greeted by a massive marble foyer. Shields and family crests adorn the lavish white walls. The roof towers highly with long thin purple flags hanging from its beams.

It's all to familiar.

"Lilia..." The voice sings again.

Following the calls I head to the right hall that over looks the mansions lush gardens. The wind pushing through the long hall whips my white dress loosely in the air as I push on forward, the cold marble chilling my bare feet.

Lulling sounds fill my ears as I reach the mansions East wing.

'Cupcake' a sickly voice coos from the top of the stairs.

Looking up into the almost blinding light I see Kylel, no, that monster from my dreams. He sits lazily on the stairs railing, letting his legs dangle helplessly, just staring down at me with an expressionless face, he looks almost harmless.


"Where am I?" I ask.

'Home' he says toneless.

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