Cold Revenge : Chapter 15

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"Young Master Kylel" he snorted.

Why of all things is he here.

"Lord in all respect, now is not the time" I growl lowly.

He emerged from the dark shadows the lingered in the corner of my room. Straightening his slick black suit. Slowly he walked forward and studied Lilia's unconscious state.

"Father really..." I growl louder.

"Have you wondered why she has two mates Kylel" he smiled sinisterly.

"Have you had me watched again?!" I snap angrily.

I'm sick of my father and his antics, he doesn't care why would he now. He's always taken what ive loved, forbid fun in my life because he blames mothers death on me.

It all started when I was 11 ...

~*~*~*~*~Kylels FlashBack~*~*~*~*~

"I don't want to do this anymore" I whine to Mother.

Another say elegantly to the side of me in a leather arm chair peacefully reading as she watched over me as I studied our family's history. She softly lifts her head and smiles sweetly down at my tiny frame.

"Kylel you must study if you are to take your fathers place as a leader" Mother reminds me once again.

"But can't I just go play like the other boys in the mansion? I've been reading for hours" I groan annoyed.

"It's almost dinner can it wait till tomorrow? I'll talk to your father if you can just continue for now" she smiles and goes back to her book.

I stare out the window and let out a frustrated sign as I watch the other boy kick a ball around laughing. What happens if I don't want to take my fathers role. All this studying is for nothing then, if I never take over.

It's not like father would know if I go outside to play or not. He's rarely around, and when he is its either to yell at me or argue with mother or he's just here to get what he needs then leaves again.

Looking over at mother she's fallen asleep. How's my chance..

I'll take the punishment if it means having fun for even a minute. Sneaking past mother I squeeze through the tight gap left in the door and scurried down the hall. Servants and all sorts of people scatter the halls eyeing me suspiciously as I dart past.

I burst out through the garden doors just to be blinded by the suns rays... I haven't left the mansion in so long that the sun bothers me...

Afternoon had start to set, as some of the children playing in the yard before had disappeared in side.

The garden was massive, itself an unintentional maze or hedges and flowers. At the centre sat a huge mountain that easily toward over you, big or small. The fountain also held a massive statue of the family crest or shield father calls it.

My family shield.

I run towards a couple of boys who looked my age, kicking a football around and smiled childishly.

"May I play?" I ask.

The other children just burst into a mocking fit of laughter. The taller of the boys walk towards me with a face that read I was beneath him.

"Look whose finally come out from hiding" the ring leader teased.

I looked the older boy in the eyes and growled lowly. No way will I let lower ranks tease and mock me as if I was beneath them.

"Listen, he purrs!" Another boy laughed from behind.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, before the beast that raged inside me consumed me. I want to rip their throats out and drain them dry. I curl my hands into fists and lift my head. My throat burns like some lit an inferno in my chest.

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