Private Lessons : Chapter 4

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I listened intently as my dad explained over what mums book had already taught me but I took care to listen for new information I might of missed. Dad went on about about how rare it was for a 'Corrupted Angel' to be born and how there are only 7 known to ever exist. He also went on about when we receive our wings and mate bonds as well as how to reach powers we didn't know we had in the first place.

Turning my head to look out the window I came face to face to Lucian staring at me, I raised an eye brow as I swear I saw him plush as his pale cheeks turn pink and he flicked his head back to the front of the room. Ok weird.

The lesson ended as the bell rang calling us to break and dad dismissed us. With a massive leap out of the room I breathed in the fresh air and laughed happy to be free of my dads boring lectures.

"So how bout we go up to the roof garden and eat" Lucian suggested with his famous smirk.

"Sounds perfect!" I smile, "as long as we walk there, teleporting gives me a head ache" I frown remembering how the world spun last time I teleported with Riley.

~*~*~*~*~Lucians Point Of View~*~*~*~*~

Patiently I sat in Zarall's office as order waiting for Lilia to join me for our lesson.


My phone lit up in front of me illuminating the dark room.

'Just want to wish you happy 18th tomorrow! ;)
Love Ordelia <3'

I wanted to throw up at the sight of the message. Ordelia and her family have been pushing me towards her as if we were to be ... Mates..., the thought of it disgusted me. She overall what most girls call 'a sl*t' she press onto any man she can get her filthy hands on especially me considering i can't push her off because her father is the Duke of the Lamia a very powerful vampire clan.

So for a good ten minutes I sat reminiscing about my birthday, I can finally start finding my mate. The door creaking open snapped me from the though of having to be mates with Ordelia. Lilia stood at the door with a shocked expression.

The lesson was long and boring considering I already know all this. My father had hired the lands best tutor to teach me about myself before I could harm myself without knowing it, the lessons were long and every lesson never failed to give me a head ache .. To much information at once. My tutor was stern, his hair is like wire and looked like salt and pepper, his glasses dangled of his hook like nose giving of the impression of utter snobbiness. Even though I go to school now I'm still stuck with the old bag of bones in the evenings for late extra lessons.

I'm normally not one for just sitting and listening it kills me to sit still for more then an hour. Not soon enough to time had come when Lilia's dad, Lord Zarall dismisses us.

I watch in amusement as Lilia, whose obviously waiting since the moment she sat down in the office, leap gracefully out of the door taking a massive breath of air and sighs blissfully.

"So how bout we go up to the roof garden and eat" I suggest hopefully seeing that the sun shinning brilliantly thought the stained decorative windows where angels and Demi gods were playing some sort of ball game.

"Sounds perfect" Lilia replies with a warm smile "as long as we walk there, teleporting gives me a head ache" she complains as I laugh, shes so new to all this it's kind of funny.

Agreeing we slowly make our way upstairs and towards the rooftop terrace perfect place away from nosey teachers and their leader, the principle. Arriving were greeted by Cupid and his usual cocky look, Brandon who seemed to be keeping Riley and Hazel entertained on a distant wooden table.

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