Therapist Dan

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- Iris's POV Present -
Holding my hand pushing my face to his soft, tight chest as I cried lightly into him. Letting the tears just come out one at a time rolling completely down my already shattered face. Knowing how much people mean to me wanting to know more about me but also wanting to know what happened between me and Phil. All of this knowing so well already just not ready to tell him that yet. "We have to find Phil." Both agreeing to this letting go of me and going to the door. Thoughts booming through my head like a bullet from a gun shooting completely through. Where would Phil go? Maybe the coffee shop... Ugh why did he have to run off before we could explain everything. Did I really mean that much to him? What is going on? I need to tell him everything.
Outside on the sidewalk of their flat staring at each other both worried but trying to stay calm as possible. On the outside it might have been working but on the inside I was petrified of what he could be thinking about me and Dan or if he was even safe. "I'll go check Pj's house." Saying to Dan indicating that we should split up to find him. "I'll go check Chris's house." Dan said before running the opposite direction of me. Who is Chris? Is that some girl... About to go to Pj's house just now realizing the fact that I have no idea where he lives. Pulling out my phone to call him hoping he wasn't working right now. Fuck it I have to find Phil and just somehow I know he wont answer his phone.
Pj: Hello? (Confused with a slight hint of excitement)

Iris: Hey no time to explain but I'm looking for Phil. Is he at yours?

Pj: I don't know I'm not at home yet I was just heading there though. (Concerned now)

Iris: I'll meet you there! (Interrupting him.)

Pj: Okay I'll text you the address.

Iris: Okay please hurry! (The concern booming out of me now.)

Hanging up staring at my phone for a second but not even a bit later getting the message. Putting it the GPS on my phone starting to bolt where ever my phone told me to go. "Take a left now." Listening to my phone intensely not paying attention to my surrounding and taking a sharp turn running into traffic. Dodging cars almost hitting me in every type place while hearing cars squeak from the tires. Not caring about the people screaming out their windows at me or flouring it to get away from the almost accident. Legs tired falling asleep from numbness of me running for so long. "In 2 more miles take a right at Henderstead Road." Out of breathe completely from my asthma about to fall over but not going to give up. Pushing myself further and further until I couldn't take it anymore. Then suddenly I can hear my phone say that I'm here to take my turn. Forgetting the pain and everything else just taking the shortest stop on the stop sign to catch my breathe again. Right before I could actually regain it just running off faster than before.

All parts of my body being completely in pain and exhausted from how much energy I was using while going on no food for over about 10 hours. Desperate my phone somehow knew exactly what I need and clicked on my playlist. Scrolling through it while running on the sidealk just thinking about everything that Phil could be doing right now. All of them being terrible thoughts stopping them immediately playing "Lisa Baby" by Walk The Moon. Shoving it into my pockets my phone yelling through my music at me "Take a left now." Looking at a dead end road not caring about the people's property I was probably invading right now. Keep running seeing a fence getting really close to me closing my eyes and jumping over the barbed wire somehow actually jumping over it completely. Smiling a bit to myself before running foward again. Feet stumbling agaisnt each other while staring off into the dead trees that once would have been like my soul.


Reminding myself of Phil that's when I saw a small blue car stopping in front of a tiny little house made out of logs. Like a forest house running towards it like my phone told me hearing dead leaves crunch under my feet. Barely seeing a tall man get out the driver side of the car with brown curly hair, white studded belt, black skinny jeans, and a regular tee. "PJ!" Yelling out to him as he turned seeing me. Tripping over my own feet hearing the crunching of leaves coming towards me. No energy to try to get up being useless trying to get energy to see if Phil was here. Needing to find him pleading to my own mind to find him soon. My face being pulled up seeing Pj more worried than he sounded before. His eyes scanning to see if I was injured in any type of way before picking me up in his arms and running me to his house. "Hold on." Was all he said before he started to bolt but in that same moment my phone went off saying. "You're in your desired destination."

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