Sick Day

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- Author's POV -

It's been a week since their date. In that Zoella and Iris have become practically best friends. Things are going so well and soon Iris will meet Joe. In less than two months Joey is coming in town to collab with her. Things are just going so well and she had no idea how to handle it since everything for her usually goes wrong. But today she is feeling very sick so she went to the doctor and found out she has a bad throat infection. Right now she lays in her bed being taking care of Phil.

- Phil's POV -

Laying there sadly in her own sickness that she can't fight all by herself. Checking the time as she coughs violently beside me. "It's time for your medicine honey." Trying to make her smile while dancing up to get the medicine. Grabbing two pills making my way back with funny faces on with every step. Hearing her laugh silently with her coughing again. "It hurts to laugh..." Voice so crooked as if she was dying right there in front of me. Giving her the pills with some water hoping she will feel sort of better. Watching her take them while holding my had silently.

Somehow still so beautiful even in this state. Her hair messed up but just in the right way. Lips slightly curved down but knowing it won't last long makes it even better. Looking more fragile than ever but still so beautiful. My little crystal Iris flower laying in her bed looking like a princess. Trying to smile at me but only slighting from her sickness. "Even now you are beautiful." Smiling at her having her blush making red to her super pale face. "Thank you handsome man." Trying to be coy but just coughing to herself.

"Just sly there honey and find a movie. I'll go make us some of your favorite soup. Then I will come back and watch the movie with you. Snuggle up with my beautiful lioness. After that we can do whatever you to do. Also I'll rub your feet and paint your toenails. You feel sick and today is all about you my love."

Making her smile while handing her the remote having her flip through the movie channel. Going to the kitchen smiling to myself at how I had gotten so lucky.

Grabbing four cans of Cream and Mushroom soup knowing it's her favorite. Then starting the oven cause she likes it better when it's cooked over the stove. Opening the cans pouring it into the pot letting it sizzle. After that grabbing the milk pouting it into the pot with the soup. Stirring it nicely for my love making sure she gets it just like she likes it. Plopping in some of my secret ingredients making it taste better. About a couple minutes of stirring starting to taste it making sure it was perfect. Just like my lioness it is perfect. Turning off the stove pouring into two big bowls. Washing the dishes then grabbing two clean spoons.

Going back to the room with the two bowls seeing Iris there with a movie paused waiting for me. Setting her soup down on the table by her side of the bed and mine on the other table by her bed. Getting into bed laying beside her making sure she was comfortable. Wrapping my arms around her as she I paused her favorite movie. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World starting to play as she ate her soup. "Its perfect!" Trying to yell in excitement but getting cut off by her throat scratching making her cough. "Just relax, eat your soup, and watch the movie." Nodding towards her while she started to watch her movie.

Watching the movie with her in my arms just watching Scott fall in love with Ramona. "You're my Ramona." Chuckling at her while she blushed just starting to fall in sleep. "You're my Scott." Her soup completely demolished just sitting on the bedside table. Head into my chest hearing her slightly snore but bit over the movie. Falling asleep beside her from exhaustion of taking care of her for practically half the day.

Waking up seeing her still asleep on top of me checking the time seeing it to be 8:00pm. Not to late but late enough... Grabbing some of her pills from off the table by the bed lightly waking her up. barely stirring staring at me obviously tired. "Take your medicine then you can go back to bed." Smiling tiredly at me while taking them then drinking a sip of water. Falling straight back to bed her head on my chest.

For some reason not tired just deciding to rub her hair. Soothing her while she sleeps just smiling at her beauty. "I love you so much Iris..." Kissing the top of her head while still holding her. My head on hers just watching her lightly sleep. Sleeping lightly with silent snores coming out just tuning more into me. Hands wrapping around me with her mouth gapped open slightly like a new born baby. Face into my chest our skins touching each other. Just wishing one day she will be completely mine.

Sleeping into me just sighing at the thought of Iris not being with me. So much love I can give her but I don't think she'll ever know....

Picking up the remote turning it down, not to wake her, and flipping on another movie. Watching it in tiredness slowly catching up with me... Slowly passing out.

"Phil- phil..... I'm scared." Waking up slightly looking at the clock seeing the time. 2:00am. Looking down Iris in my arms still with slight tears in her eyes. Hugging her tightly cooing her wondering what's wrong. "Iris you okay." Shaking her head no hearing the thunder clash by the window. Yelping and burrowing into me trying to hide her face from the lightning. As if it could see her and she was running away trying to hide. She just be scared of the lighting.

"It's okay Iris I got you. The thunder and lighting can't get you in here. Plus I'm scarier than that stuff and it won't touch you when I'm around." Trying to convince her while having her slight cry into my shoulder. "I got you." Whispering to her trying to make her feel better.

Slowly her heartbeat slowing her head still in mine hearing her slightly snore again. My hands on her back while sleeping she sleeps into me. Falling asleep myself thinking about how comfortable she must be with me...

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