My Crush?

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- Joe's POV -

Waking up in an unfamiliar setting with someone in my arms. Opening my eyes looking down seeing Iris. Seeing her fully clothes smiling at myself. Remembering last night hearing her voice singing me back to bed. The beautiful melody playing again in my head.

I'm happy she's not one of those girls who tries something on the first date. She has respect for herself and that's what I like about her.

Getting up slowly trying not to wake up Iris. Letting go of her walking to the bathroom using it before walking to her kitchen. I'm going to get her some breakfast. Pretty sure she said something about a coffee house down the street. Smiling slipping on my shirt from yesterday before grabbing my phone and wallet. Walking out the door looking around for the coffee shop.

- Pj's POV -

I wonder when I should tell her... Will she even still want to talk to me? Maybe she'll blow me off and I don't want that. She's truly amazing and I can't lose her. "Excuse me?"

My thoughts being interrupted by someone walking in the coffee shop. "Can I get a chocolate chip frappe, with two blue berry muffins, and a tall dark roast coffee?" Paying for it as I stare at the man in front of me. He looks really familiar...

- Joe's POV -

Getting the coffee walking out hurringly hoping Iris isn't awake yet. Making my way back to her flat as fast as possible. Just as I get there opening the door to see Iris standing there solemnly. Hair messed up looking at the ground with a bear in her hands. "Hey what's wrong?" Asking as she turns to see me better with wide eyes and a smile. "I thought you left." Chuckling showing her the breakfast and walking towards the kitchen.

She is so cute about how she got upset thinking I was gone. I'm really starting to like her and I have so many reasons why. Just wonder if she could ever like someone like me.

- Iris's POV -

After eating breakfast looking at Joe tiredly. "Why do you get up so early?" Yawning loudly playing around by being over dramatic. "I don't know cutie." Laughing at me kissing my hand making me blush violently.

How does he keep doing these things to me?

- 3 Hours Later -

"I should get going, I had an awesome time." Joe whispering to me before getting up and grabbing his stuff. "I had a great time as well." Hugging him goodbye a bit sad of letting him go.

Laying on my couch watching tv getting a message from Pj.

Pj: Can I come over? We need to talk.

Iris: Of course.

Going to my room changing into regular clothes. Flannel shirt, skinny jeans, and letting my hair down. Hopefully whatever Pj needs to tell me is not bad.

- Pj's POV -

Walking towards her house frightened of what she might think.

The cold air hitting my bare arms. I never realized it was so cold all of a sudden. My thoughts still jumbled hoping she'll be okay.

Will she still think of me the same. Honestly I know Phil knows but he treats me the same. Just hopefully she will as well...

- Iris's POV -

Knocking coming from my door causing me to get up from my couch hurringly. Walking over opening the door seeing a very solemn Pj. His face practically stained in old tears. Hair messed up as if he hasn't been sleeping in days. Black bags under his eyes showing me how exhausted he is. Shivering from the cold his nose red either from crying or from freezing.

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