Date and Zoella?

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Dedicated to: @Nina_The_Girl

Waking up with Phil in my arms just smiling up at me remembering what I did for him earlier. "Let me take you on another date." Looking down at him trying not to laugh at that sudden outburst. "Uhhh where?" Seeing he was trying to be serious. "I got an idea but you have to go home and dress casual." Nodding to him not getting up yet. "Do I go right now?" Chuckling at me, realizing he's still naked, just looking into my eyes. "Yes my lioness. I'll get dressed and pick you up when you are ready then we can head off."

Getting off his bed about to open his door hearing him chuckle once more. "I hope you know I'm taking you home, it's not like I'm going to make you walk." Staring at him smiling lightly just waiting for him to get dressed.

- At My Apartment -

Getting into the shower, washing my hair, and well doing the natural routine. Wondering where he is going to take me. Just sighing while letting the water drop down my body. Grabbing the soap and razor, washing my body and shaving before finishing my shower.

Wrapping a towel around my body and another one wrapped around my hair. Sitting on the counter grabbing lotion and putting it on my legs. Then pulling the tower off my head while plugging in the blow dryer. Drying my hair waiting for it to be absolutely and completely dried. Afterwards brushing my hair having it go to it's natural curls at the bottom. Smiling to myself before about to put in my piercings. Sighing wondering if Phil would like me with them in. "You're gorgeous..." Putting in my shark bites relooking at myself. Beautiful.

Going towards my closet looking for something casual to wear. Grabbing a pair of my blue washed down skinnies, black studded belt, blue and black tank that says "This is my tank top." in purple lettering, and then mg blue slip on vans. Drying off completely before slipping on some undergarments then my outfit. Walking back to the bathroom smiling at myself before grabbing some lip gloss and flipping shark bites. Putting it on and setting it down fixing my piercings real quick. Also putting on my deodorant and then my Harley Quinn perfume. He's going to fall harder for me now.

Grabbing my blue backpack setting the regular things I would need in there. Extra phone charger, extra money, and headphones. Smiling to myself grabbing my phone off the charger calling Phil.

Phil: Yessssss? (Excited voice booming out the phone.)

Iris: I'm ready! (Sounding more excited than him.)

Phil: Okay I'm coming right now. (Chuckling before hanging up the phone.)

Locking my phone putting it into my pocket before grabbing my regular wallet and shoving that into my pocket as well. Putting the chain to side so I know if someone tries taking my wallet. Relaxing a bit going to around my apartment making sure everything was off. Then going outside locking it going down to the parking lot waiting for Phil.

Before knowing it Phil's car pulled into the driveway. Getting out the car just to come around and open mine. "My dear." Saying in a posh voice while helping me into his car. Getting into the driver seat smiling at me. "You look amazing." Taking my hand in his before starting to drive towards the mystery place.

Looking out the window staring at the cars passing by remembering how I used to do that with trees.

- Flashback -

"Look Matty!" Pointing my finger at the tree as my mom drove the car. His dad just smiling at us sleepily as he had one hand in my mom's. Matt, in the same seat as me, looking out the window with me. Smiling brightly at me with one of his canine tooth missing. "Iris one day we are going to live in a tree like that." His childishness showing while he jumped on my lap. "No way!" Pushing him lightly having him laugh even harder as he grabbed my hand. "Look we are like mommy and daddy but trees!" Standing completely still with our hands connected trying to pose as trees.

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