Meet The Brother

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Scooting Phil over on the bed, "Are you done editing?" Nodding his head yes while saving it. "You mind if I Skype someone?" Leaning back just looking at me a bit suspicious with eyebrows cocked up. "No, should I leave?" Shaking my head while taking the laptop and logging into my account. "No I'm sure this person would love to meet you." Laughing a bit to myself knowing Matthew might freak out when he sees some random guy with me. Smirking to myself while checking to see if he was even online. Clicking it, calling Matthew, waiting for a second for him to answer.

Suddenly the laugh I always remembered was heard faintly, mostly from sleepiness, and his face appeared. Black hair swept but all messy, blue eyes that were super vibrant, and really pale skin. It was dark in his room, with his shirt off, you could obviously tell he was sleeping. "Irypoo?" Smile grew on his sleepy face growing to his cheeks while the tired part of him making his voice deeper. Looking at Phil a bit to see him slightly uncomfortable almost dying to know who this man is. "Yes my Mattybear. I want you to meet someone." Giggling at him as he stood up suddenly offensively but still obviously tired.

Having Phil in the the picture now with a frightened face painted all over him while Matt just started to laugh. "Who is this?" Eyeing Phil up and down with evil eyes. "This, Matty, is Phil Lester and he's a really good friend of mine." Looking at Phil smiling brightly knowing the next part would be the best. "I thought it would be nice for him to meet my brother."

Matthew laughing hard knowing obviously I didn't tell Phil since he looked so relieved but also more scared. "You're brother?" Asking in a deep British innocent accent. "Yeah I'm here big bro. Nice to meet you Phil you better be taking care of my little sis for me. Keep all the bad guys away from her." Going on in his speech with Phil listening intensely. "Yes sir." As if trying to warn respect, all of a sudden, from him. "Dude call me Matt." Nodding to his request just smiling brightly.

Whispering into Phil's ear to tell Matt that I might date him soon. Eyes going wide with fear making me laugh. "You don't actually have to do that Phil." Laughing looking at Matt who's giving me the look that I knew best. 'I need to talk to him please leave' look. Nodding just playing it off. "I think you two should be alone for a second, I'll be right back bye."

Leaving the room finding myself getting a little hungry. He will be fine if I leave to get some lunch. Checking the time and seeing it only being 4:00pm. Grabbing some paper and a pen leaving him a note just in case their conversation ended before I got back. Wonder what he would want to eat anyways?

Grabbing my house key and locking the door behind me, so at least he's safe, starting to look up a good food place.

- Phil's POV -

Awkward she just left me here with her brother... What do I even say here? He's not even talking he's just staring at me... What do I do?

"Uhhh... So Matt, where do you live?" Since Iris never mentioned him much. It's probably just because I haven't asked about her past much. "Small town in Texas. It's down south but it's not considered as southern or northern. Not on a map you have to like just pass through it." Texas? Didn't she say she was from somewhere else? "Have you always lived there?" Concerned this girl just might have been lying to me about everything. "No I just moved here I live on my own. Used to live in LA with Iris, her mom, and my dad. I moved out here just about the same time that Iris-" Saddened face appeared for a second then turned back to happy. "-left of course."

Silence for a second before it got to awkward for me. "Ummm this is kind of awkward." Staring directly at me as if trying to intimate me. Bit scared but not trying to show it. Even though I'm pretty sure it is. Cocking his head at me with a displeasured look on his face.

"You like her don't you." Bluntly saying expressionless making me really concerned. Jumping a bit while blushing but still trying to act like he's not scaring me. "Uhh-" Cutting me off with speaking more bluntly. "I know you do so don't even try lying to me. Honestly I'm happy for her, you can tell she likes you as well."

- Matthew's POV -

Looking away after saying the last sentence. I mean I am happy for her but not for him. He doesn't look like he'd be able to take of her, she can take care of herself. But it doesn't help when I've has feelings for her for a long time. But she'll always see me as her brother... I have to make sure that she's happy always.

"She does?" Happily asking slightly but I feel as if she would have told him by now. Perkiness of him just kind of makes you happy, he seems very energetic. Shrugging keeping a fake smile then smirking slightly at the thought of me crushing him if he hurts her.

"Listen up Phillip." Serious tone while smirking directly at him. Shaking slightly in his right hand while staring at me with fear in his blue eyes. "I won't have a slight regret to completely destroy you if you hurt her. She is my little sister and I know she can hold her own. She did get to England all by herself didn't she?" Rhetorically asking knowing he has no idea what I'm talking about. "But here's the thing if you do hurt her-" Balling up my fists for to see and popping my knuckles making him jump a bit. "-I will get a way up there. Maybe by plane, or maybe by boat but I will get there all in good time. I will hunt you down like an animal and I will hurt you. Count on it and there is no mercy from me. You'll have no idea when it is and only Iris will be able to tell me not to do it. For some little information sometimes I don't listen to my Iry. Watch out and be careful she's fragile like a crystal flower." Holding onto nothing but looking at it like it's the whole world.

Fear rose in his eyes and it looked like I scared him a bit to much since his hair was literally rising up. "Phil." Softening my voice so he would try and like me now. "Look I want to get to know you and you seem like a nice dude. Honestly you do. Well not just for Iris I want to become friends with you. Let's talk."

Surprised he smiled and relaxed a bit. "Yeah. Matthew I was wondering did you want my number or anything?" Nodding towards him grabbing my phone off my bed. Looking at the time 5:00am... Sighing slightly to myself before grabbing his number.

After getting it and letting him talk for about 10 minutes about how him and Iris met. "Hey I'm falling asleep and I have work in like 3 hours. Mind if I go?" Being nice he nodded and we both hanged up at the same time.

Laying back into the dark abyss of my room all alone. My whole life has been alone since Iris left. People started calling me by my middle name Christian... I have a YouTube page as well but it's not as big as Iry. She'll never understand how much she impacts my life and how much she still does. Sighing knowing I won't be able to sleep starting to debate if I should call Damon or not.

- Iris's POV -

Walking back into my house with all the food smiling to myself. Hopefully everything between these two are going okay. About to walk in hearing Phil talking to Matty still happily, well at least it's going well. "Hey I'm falling asleep and I have work in like 3 hours. Mind if I go?" Definitely Matt he's the only one that sounds like a deep southern elderly man when he's super tired. Hearing Phil say goodnight taking this chance to walk in with the food.

"Who's hungry?" Asking while Phil was laying on my bed. Right after I asked his stomach growling. "I brought pasta!" Putting all the bags down on the bed. Just about to sit down my phone going off loudly.

Not checking my phone just answering it. "Hello?"

Person: Hey we need to talk right now.

Seriousness making me slightly concerned about what is going on.

Iris: Okay, where are you?

Dan: My flat. Please hurry we need to talk.

Iris: Be right there!

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