Chapter 5

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Midoriya's POV:

Me and Uraraka were assigned the mountain zone, it should be easy, Uraraka can lift debris and I can zoom in to rescue others.

I heard footsteps of our approaching partners, right when I was going to go around the corner Uraraka whispered to me, "if it's Bakugo just ignore him, it'll make a bigger fight and we'll be more distracted."

I nodded, she was right, I wouldn't want to get into a fight with Kacchan right now. But it most likely wasn't him, Mr. Aizawa said that he was assigning us with partners we would cooperate with, but it would backfire if we weren't on good standards with the other team.

I rounded the corner to greet them when I saw Kacchan and Kirishima coming this way. Once when Kacchan saw me his eyes narrowed in hatred.

I did a 180 and turned around to Uraraka, she was confused.

All I had to do was mouth 'it's Kacchan'.

When I got closer to her she sighed, "ugh, we wouldn't be in this tense situation if Bakugo was just nice and accepted advice!"

I smiled, "yeah, but maybe his time at UA will change him . . . He might see that others are equal to him and are worth a voice in his head."

Uraraka rolled her eyes, "like that will happen, in a school for the best of the best. It will most likely feed his pride and arrogance."

"Don't talk like that!" I defended, "he can be a good person, just trust him!"

"Maybe," Uraraka sighed, "but he has to earn my trust first."

I sighed, I don't blame her . . . He does have a tendency to be hostile. But we can be friends, I know it.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. A purple abyss, just like that villain uses. It's him . . . Without a doubt.

Just then, a figure in a cloak steps out, by her build she is most likely a girl. Maybe our age.

She giggles, "this'll be fun."

My mind immediately zooms to that blonde haired girl from summer camp. She was insane, definitely psychotic and had a quirk that just fueled her insanity. Is this girl the same? The same urge for blood?

She leaps towards me and without thinking about where I was landing, I almost hit Kacchan.

"Watch where you're going you damn nerd!" Kacchan yells at me.

Before I could apologize the girl talks.

"Oh my, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself!" The girl laughs, "I'm Akiara Ito! But you can call me Akiara!"

She pulls her hood down, she's definitely a girl. She has short, straight, black hair. Her face is round like Uraraka's almost like an innocent look. She has an black (probably leather) eyepatch on her left eye. As she takes her hood off it's obvious that her quirk isn't anything like Kirishima's or that muscle guy from the forest.

"She seems more soft, not that athletic, she probably depends on her quirk, not her physical ability. I will give her the benefit of the doubt though, she has that gleam in her eye like Kacchan does, like she can take on anybody. I wouldn't treat her like a weak little girl. She definitely knows what she is doing, maybe a bit too well. Her eyepatch may have something to do with her quirk, for now we don't know. We will have to take precautions and try to take her down first change we get. If her quirk is one of those in which the more she fights the stronger it gets, we should take her down immediately. But maybe her quirk is something like Kirishima's or Sato's, maybe it's mainly strong at the beginning of her attack and she starts to get worn down fast. It would be better we observe her as we give her tiny attacks and see what she does and how she reacts. Maybe we can even get a fighting style from her . . ."

Uraraka touches my shoulder and whispers, "Deku, you're rambling again."

I just noticed, she could of even attacked me then. I should be more vigilant, "oh, sorry."

Uraraka just nods and directs her attention towards Akiara.

Kacchan leaps towards her, yelling, "do you think you can just try and attack us?! You don't know who you're up against! Now die!"

Akiara just rolls her eyes and shoots a purple light from her hand towards Kacchan, it took him by surprise and hit him.

My breath hitched, we don't know what her quirk is. For all we know she could've just killed him. We should all be careful right now. If she keeps things like this up, she can make a beam hit all of us right now and only by moving her hand.

He huffed and fell to ground, when he opened his eyes he mumbled, "what the fuck . . ."

"Oh!" Akiara giggled, "before you interrupted me
I was going to say that my quirk is confusion! I'm able to make the targeted individual confused physically or mentally!"

Kirishima rushed towards Kacchan, "are you ok?"

"Get away shitty hair," Kacchan mumbled, he attempted to get up. But he fumbled backwards and fell.

"What did you do to him?!" Uraraka demanded. She tried to sound tough, it actually worked pretty well. But I knew better, she was as scared as all of us.

Akiara giggled, "I'm surprised he's acting so weak! I thought he would be stronger! I just made it so his vision was flipped upside down!"

Her face went from her joyful, psychotic smile to a straight face as she added, "I can do much worse."

My stomach dropped, that isn't a good sign. She wouldn't brag about her power unless she had a good reason to.

I launched towards her, she would probably use her closest hand to me, that would be her right. As she flicked up her right hand, I immediately moved to her left, seeing the beam shoot right next to me. I let out a sigh of relief, I was right. Her eyes grew wide as she saw me dodge, she wasn't expecting that.

I used the time to use 8% of one for all and go even faster. I punched her in the gut with 100% this time, we should try to get this fight over with fast, we don't know how the others are doing.

She tumbled back, it looked like she was limp, but then she landed on her feet. She looked a bit beat but not as bad as she should've.

"Hm, not bad for a UA student," she mumbled.

I gawked, "but . . . But . . . That was at 100%!"

Kacchan looked at me and scowled, "you weakling," then he turned to Akiara, "you want to see something strong, I'll give you something"

He was probably still enraged that Almight had chosen me to be his successor. I wonder if he'll ever get over it.

Kacchan blasted Akiara with an explosion, the force of the knock back blasted Uraraka and Kirishima backwards. I kept my footing, still worrying that she might blast Kacchan again. He had to adapt to seeing upside down, at least he's able to attack already.

That's when Kirishima yelled, "Uraraka! We have to alert the teachers!"

Uraraka nodded, "yeah! Let's go, Bakugo and Deku can hold themselves!"

That was a solid plan, even though me and Kacchan would be faster, those two aren't fit for fighting up against Akiara. Uraraka's power would be almost useless unless she were to dismantle the mountain zone somehow and Kirishima would find it difficult to get in close.

By how Kacchan reacted, he agreed. It would be best for those two to head off into the direction of the teachers. Maybe they could lend us help. Even though Kacchan wouldn't want to admit it, she's too strong, even for him.

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