Chapter 7

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Midoriya's POV

The window slowly opened . . .

It's just your imagination, your window isn't actually opening.

A leg stepped out of the window, oh my god! I AM GOING TO DIE! THIS IS NOT A DREAM!

But I froze, maybe if I looked like I was asleep they'd pass over me. And they would go out of the door and THEN I would attack! Yes Midoriya, that's a good idea.

Especially with how many people are in Recovery Girl's hands, I might be the only layer of protection!

Somebody slipped into my room. I stopped breathing. They wore a cloak, when they took the hood off . . . IT WAS HER! That Akiara girl! SHE IS HERE!

When she walked past my bed, she trailed back, staring at me.

"Was this him?" She whispered to herself, "Shigaraki will be mad if I get the wrong person's blood again."


She got really close to me I had to close my eyes.

"Yes, this is that Midoriya kid," she whispers.

My breath hitches, they're after me? Why do they want my blood?

When my breath hitched she stared at me, I had to close my eyes again.

Did she notice that my breathing pattern changed? Smart, but that's scary.

"I know you're awake." She stated.

I froze, then why wasn't she attacking me?

"You can get up, but don't even try to attack me." Akiara sighed, "Recovery Girl is asleep . . ."

She stared right into my eyes, "everybody in there is defenseless. They can't even use their quirks!"

"Y-you took their quirks?" I stammered.

She quietly giggled, "I wish I had the authority to do that. But no, I just swapped their bodies. It's really simple, you see . . ."

Then she sighed, "ugh. Sorry that I'm just blabbing. There isn't anybody to talk to in the League."

What is she talking about? Didn't she come here for my blood? Not a friendly chat!

Akiara smiled, "I wish Bakugo accepted the invitation to the League. Maybe I could talk to him."

I twitched, Kacchan? What does she want from him? Company? I should know for one, he isn't that good of company in cooperation.

"Don't be nervous," Akiara sighed, "I didn't come here for your blood. I came here to chat, I'm BORED! Toga is all over Dabi, Shigaraki and Kurogiri just wanna talk about killing you or Allmight, Iguchi only talks about how it would be better if Stain was still there, Sako is usually out doing comedy routines, Bubaigawara is either out recruiting others or fighting with himself. I just don't fit in!"

What is she doing? Telling me everything? Why is she really here? One thing is for sure, I can't let my guard down! Maybe I can get information from her . . .

"If you want to have a conversation," I started, "what's your quirk? It's very intriguing."

Akiara giggles, "oh it's pretty basic, but it's almost unlimited. It's confusion, I'm basically able to do anything that would confuse another person."

God she can be really strong.

"Do you have a limit?" I asked.

"I wouldn't tell you!" She sighed, "plus I've gotta go. The sun's coming out! I'll talk to you tomorrow!"

I gulped as she left, what is wrong with her? Just talking to me? Is she just bored, or is it more than that?

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