Chapter 8

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Bakugo's POV

I wake up to the sun's rays.

Were they always so bright this early? Speaking about that, what time is it?

I turn my head to my right, pain shoots up my neck. I immediately move it back to where I had it.

Kirishima's neck got really jacked up didn't it?

I looked over at my body, I was still asleep.

Did I really hurt myself that much?

Would I even wake up? Would I be seriously hurt? Would I be . . . Permanently hurt? I would be just like Deku, wasting all of that power, and for what? So I could become unconscious, and let him save me?! This was stupid, this was all so stupid!

Deku's too full of himself! He even tried to tell me to not reach my limit! That nerd can't hold his tongue, can he?

Ever since Almight passed his quirk onto him! He's gotten a whole new self-esteem! Deku doesn't know his place! I should've gotten Almight's quirk! I should've gotten that attention! I would do so much better than he is! I even beat him in a fight! Why did Deku get the quirk? Why did Almight choose Deku? Why did Deku try to save me from the sludge monster? Why does Deku seem to be improving?

Why didn't Almight choose me?

_ _ _

Midoriya's POV

I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I've internally agreed with myself that I'm not going to tell anybody about that encounter. What if I could get information for her? Maybe then I could tell a teacher! Until then, I'll keep this low.

"Oh Deku!" Uraraka smiled as she walked next to me down the hallways, "how did you sleep last night? I slept like a baby but Iida says that he barely got a wink!"

I hope Uraraka is doing good! She and Asui were the first people to be exscused from Recovery Girl's care. They didn't take that much of a beating, Akiara just hit them.

I just notice that Iida was right next to Uraraka, he still stood with amazingly good posture, but the loss of sleep gleamed in his eyes.

"Not even a wink?" I ask him.

"Not at all Midoriya," he confirms, "I must always be alert. We don't know if the villains are going to attack again!"

Uraraka laughed, "oh silly! They wouldn't be thinking if they went into UA! We're much more secure than the first time they broke in, it would be impossible to get into the dorms!"

Impossible? Well, Uraraka isn't necessarily wrong. It's even a hassle for me, we have to show our ID on every floor! Then how did Akiara get in?

"Uh Deku?" Uraraka asked, "are you ok?"

My face heats up, "o-oh yeah. Sorry about that."

She sighed, "I asked you if you think Bakugo's going to wake up?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"He's still unconscious," she states, "when Kaminari visited Kirishima he noticed all of the wraps around Bakugo's arm and . . . Everywhere! He even quietly asked the nurse, and Bakugo's in a coma."

My heart skipped a beat, I knew that blast would hurt his arm, but this bad? Why would he make an attack that huge, he would know that it would hurt himself! So what was his motive, or did he not mean to do it?

"That reminds me Iida," I say I turn my head to Iida, "the conversation we had in the bus, the one about Akiara's quirk. What if Kacchan had actually meant for it to me a strong attack, but not that strong! What if that was her quirk in action and that she technically is the reasons Bakugo's in a coma!"

Iida looks ahead of him, like he's thinking, "you have a point Midoriya, we don't even know the limits of her quirk, or the start of it. That could've very well of been her! But that means she's also able to influence our quirks, that could make her a real danger."

"You're right," I agree, "let's say she was able to use it at anytime on any quirk. If she used it on Todoroki while he's making a huge ice attack, that's a huge disadvantage for him! Her quirk can make us go from almost defeating her to at her mercy so fast!"

"Uh . . ." Uraraka awkwardly says, "I don't think we should be talking about this stuff right now . . . It's not the right-after-a-battle-cheery-talk thing. This won't lift anybody's spirits."

That seems weird, but maybe it's because we're getting to our Class and Bakugo's friends might be nervous.

Once when we enter the classroom Uraraka goes to Asui and they start to talk in hushed voices.

That's weird, maybe it's just girl . . . Things.

I sit next to Iida, we don't talk that much. Mostly just skimming through our homework, making sure we have everything.

Mr. Aizawa walks in, "get to your seats, class has started."

Everybody walked to their seats, the class seemed a lot gloomier than it did before. It's predictable that this happened, everybody is a bit off by what happened at the USJ. This time kids got hurt, and we've even improved. That means the League of Villains have improved. This time, without All for One.

Mr. Aizawa adds, "I know you guys are jumpy, but we're behind Class 1-b education-wise. So be ready to learn."

I heard Sero whisper something to Kaminari, they both held in laughter.

"Is there a problem?" Mr. Aizawa inquires, with a fierceness in his eyes. He wasn't in a good mood today.

"No, sir," Sero and Kaminari reply in unison.

"That's what I thought," Mr. Aizawa mumbled.

He turned back to the board and started talking about science. Mostly about others quirks, but I had my mind on something else.

If Akiara's quirk is able to interfere with how much we use of our quirk, that means she probably depends too much on her quirk. And as I heard from her conversation she had, she definitely has a limit. So once when her quirk runs out, we could take her down. Am I putting too much thought into this? Was there already an obvious solution? Why is her quirk so confusing? She could be around at any minute making me confused, is she? Am I just being paranoid? Why am I even thinking about this? I should probably take out my journal and write some things about her quirk down. It might help me in the future if I write everything that comes to my head.

I pull out my notebook from my bag, I should make a page on her too. Maybe from things she mentioned last night.

"MIDORIYA!" Mr. Aizawa yelled.

Shoot, was he asking me a question and I was too into what I was thinking?

"Put your notebook away, it's not the time for shinanigans!" Mr. Aizawa added.

"Oh, yes. Sorry sir," I replied as I quickly shoved my notebook into my bag. I should pay a lot more attention.

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