Chapter two

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"You know it's rude to stare, right?" I asked feeling uncomfortable under their stares.

"Sorry, just gonna have to get used to the fact that your Mary's daughter" Jane apologised while the man next to her just grunted and glared at the floor.

I smiled at her but said nothing which unfortunately led to Awkward Silence, I hated those so I decided to find out how they knew my mum but first I want to know the name of the man. " Sooo um I didn't catch your name" I looked at the man who was still glaring at the floor.

"I didn't throw it" he replied dryly

"Oh Joe, don't be so rude, just because Mary lied doesn't mean you have to take it out on her daughter" I flinched at the glare he did throw but quickly hid it and smiled in thanks to Jane.

"Well I should be off soon but before I leave can I ask you a quick question?" Jane nodded "Well I was just wondering how you knew my mother" They both flinched at that but covered it quickly making me wonder if it even happened.

"Oh dear I'm not sure we're the ones you should be asking but I will tell you this, when your mother supposedly died she died for a reason" Jane told me seriously

Okay this is getting weird so I better leave now "Um well thanks for letting me stay here after I... well you know fainted, so um nice meeting you," I said as I turned to leave when I realised something, how do I get home? I don't even know where I am.

"Actually can I please use your phone, I didn't bring my phone or a car so I need someone to pick me up" I explained sheepishly.

Jane smiled kindly "Of course dear, it's right around the corner on the right"

I grabbed the phone and began to dial my mums number when I realised I couldn't ring her, they thought she died but then I can't ring dad too because he's involved with whatever's going on but it's not like I can call anybody else, I have no family, friends, no one but my parents. Okay I'm going to have to call one of them.

I picked up the phone and dialled the number.

"Hello?" The familiar deep voice answered on the third ring.

"Uh Hey Dad, how's it goin?" I tried to sound nonchalant but failed terribly.

"Oh nothing much, just came home from work to find MY DAUGHTER MISSING!! What is that? Where are you? I'm coming to get you!"

Okay he was pissed. So I took my time trying to come up with a answer that made sense and that was pretty difficult I mean what am I going to say 'well you see dad these girls that bully me at school abandoned me in a town full of people who claim they know you and mum and thought mum was dead so can you come get me please?'

Well I didn't exactly know what else I could say so I told him this and then it went silent.

"Dad?" Is he even listening? "Dad are you there?"

"Oh sorry honey, are you okay? He answered eventually.

"Not really I just really wanna come home, this is all too confusing,"

"Okay where are you staying?"

"At this lady named Janes house she said she was Mums best friend?"

"Oh okay I will see you in half an hour bye sweetie"


I wonder what's wrong with him because as soon as I told him about this town He seemed off, I wonder what's going on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2013 ⏰

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