Wendy's Cashier

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It can be tricky having to take care of a 4 year old while my mom works full time at a bar in Chino Hills, California. My family used to live in San Fransico, but we decided to move since we couldn't pay our house bills after my father got fired from his job. My little brother, Triston, my big brother, Liam, my mom and I all moved to an apartment in Chino Hills.
It's a very nice apartment, to be honest. It has a large pool with a snow cone machine. Our home has two floors, including a 70-inch plasma TV.
I work at Wendy's as a cashier and I'm a student, to be specific, a senior. My name is Emily and I'm 17 years old. I'm younger than basically every kid in my grade, but I'm smarter then a lot of them, too.
My mom is obsessed with dating websites. She's always trying to find a buff dude to go out with. My mother doesn't really care who sends her a request. If you send it, you're in. Today, she accepted a date from a male about her age. "Dang it! This guy has been waiting for me to reply for 2 freaking days!" I heard her fist collide with the wooden desk. I ran my fingers through my silky, dirty blonde hair. A faint "ding" sound came from the speakers connected to our computer, indicating that my mom agreed on the date.

My mom is really chill and let's me date any guy as long as they aren't too bad.

Last week, she was dating a guy named Neal Davis, who is a total butt hole. He actually smacked my mom right in front of me. He came over for dinner once and while my mom was in the restroom, he shoved me against a wall and threatened to punch me for no apparent reason. After the idiot left, I told mom what happened and she went to court and Neal currently has a restraining order.
Then there are nice guys that my mother will date, but they aren't ever right for her. I can still tell by the dull look in my mom's tired eyes that she dearly misses my dad.
I glanced at my watch. 5:45. My shift starts in fifteen minutes. "I've gotta go, see you later." I waved nonchalantly and tossed on my uniform over my blue tank top. I pulled out of the driveway and whirled into the parking lot then clocked in at 5:51.
I went straight to the cash register and started typing up orders. I've always wanted to run the drive-thru, but I've only been working here for 3 weeks. I've worked at a McDonalds, Subway, and Arby's. Subway was my favorite but I kissed one of the other workers and got fired. His name was Sam, and I kind of liked him, and we just ended up kissing. I haven't seen him since. Lots of guys like me, to be honest.
My mom said I have the body of a Calvin Klein model. I have long, curvy, tan legs, an hourglass figure, and a flat stomach. I have long, dirty blonde hair and ice-colored eyes.
"Hi, welcome to Wendy's! How may I help you?" I said with sarcastic enthusiasm. I tilted my head up and locked my eyes upon a good looking guy, maybe 17 or 18 years old with freshly tanned skin, dark brown eyes, and chestnut hair. He wore stone washed skinny jeans with a gray sweater and a tribal printed beanie. He gazed into my eyes then shook his head.

"Um, sorry I guess." He laughed. "I'll have a vanilla frosty, please."

"That'll be $1.06." I replied. The boy handed me a five.

"Keep the change." He winked. "Do you happen to have a spare pen and paper?" He tilted his head.

I found a napkin and a pencil and lay it down the counter. "This close enough?" I giggled.

"Yeah, this is okay." He jotted down something then shoved the neatly folded napkin near me. I reached out and grasped it. "Call me, cutie."

"I will! Have a good day." I blushed. He was perfect, absolutely perfect. I managed to give him his vanilla frosty.

"Emily? That's a cool name. I'm Cameron, Cameron Dallas. Nice to meet you." ︎Cam flirted. He gestured for me to lean close to him. I did, and I felt a light tap from his lips on my cheek. An electric shock spread throughout my body. I shivered.

When I came home, mom was in a decent mood, but I was happy as could be. I didn't have homework and I got a cute guy's number. I skipped to my room humming Fancy, then pulled out the wadded up napkin and unfolded it. I saved Cameron as a contact and texted him.

Hey, it's that chick from Wendy's

Hey! How are you?

Good, wbu?

Great, actually. Thanks for asking. So, let's get to know each other. Um, how old are you? I just turned 18 and I'm a senior.

I'm 17, and I'm a senior, just freakishly smart. Um, how tall are you? I'm 5'5

5'9. Hey I gtg! Talk to You later (:

I haven't been so excited for such a long time! I was on Instagram when I heard my mom squeal. I rushed to the desk and saw that she had a date with a really cool looking guy. I gave her a fist bump then went to sleep.
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