Chapter Four

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James and Grace sat at a mini dining table. They just ate. No one spoke to each other.

James was still holding his baseball bat. Grace noticed this but didn't speak. She kept her head down and sipped some of the soup.

"Sup Bitch." said the growling voice.

James turned around. He looked at Grace. He knew Grace could not have possibly heard that cause this voice was inside his head but he was wrong.

Grace heard it.


She had stopped eating and was staring at James. Jaw dropped. James also stared back. None talked. Grace broke that awkward silence.

"James? You okay?" Asked Grace.

He nodded.

"No you're not! Tell this bitch here what's wrong with you, James."

Grace started to freak out. She got up from her table and looked around. She stared at James who was calm.

That was weird.

"What the hell is going on?" Asked Grace.

James got up and glanced around the room and shrugged.

Grace noticed the bat for the first time. She started to back away slowly.

James also got up and moved closer to Grace. His eyes were black. It almost seemed like he was....

Oh. My. God.

He was possessed. James was possessed by that growling voice spirit.

"James! James! Stay away from me! I'm gonna call the police right now."

She searched her pocket but couldn't find her cellphone.

"Looking for this, bitch!" Said possessed James.He showed her the cellphone. His voice was changed into that growling voice.

He then placed the cellphone on the ground and smacked it with the bat.

Grace winced at every strike to her phone. She quickly ran for the door but to her dismay, it was locked.

She felt heavy breathing behind her. Like that of many people breathing behind hair. She turned and her face was met with the baseball bat; BAM!

Grace's knee buckled beneath her as she slowly fell down, blood oozing out of that large gash on the side of her head. She was still alive though.

James started laughing. He started to hover about. Suddenly he was sent through that mini dining table.

He laid there, eyes closed.

He finally opened his eyes. His eyes were back to its normal colour. He got up. The baseball bat was lying right beside him. He didn't bother to pick it.

"Grace!?" James called out.

No answer.

He looked around the room and saw Grace lying on the floor.

"I got the bitch." Said the growling voice.

Oh no.

James couldn't believe it. He went to his knees and began to sob.

'Jam....James.... " called dying Grace.

James rushed over there. He held her hands. Her hand felt cold.

"What happened?" Asked James.

"You.... You di...d thisss."


"She's right, you know."

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