Chapter One

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Hi, I'm the author, Emma! Like I said in the description, this is a sequel to another story of mine, Living Miracles. If you haven't read it yet, GO DO THAT. This story was requested by BloomAlyceSomova. Happy New Year to everyone reading this on January 1st!



APRIL 23, 2016

The sound of glass shattering echoed through the house. "COOPER!" Wanda Maximoff-Barton exclaimed.

"Sorry," Her adoptive little brother said sheepishly.

She sighed, going to get a broom to clean the broken vase. A streak of blue passed her, a blast of wind hitting her on its way by. It passed twice more before coming to a stop.

"Done," Her twin said, brushing his hands together. The floor was completely clear of glass. He looked at her with a smirk. "You're welcome."

She smacked him. "I had it handled, Pietro!" She said, her voice heavily accented.

"Sure you did."

She rolled her eyes, smacking him again.

"Wanda, don't hit your brother!" Their mother, Laura Barton, scolded her.

"But, Mom-"

"No buts! Apologize!"

"I'm sorry, Pietro," She grumbled insincerely.

"I'll forgive you."

Wanda huffed, walking to the room the twins shared. Pietro followed her. "You good?"

"Leave me alone!"

"Why are you so mad about something so trivial?"

Wanda glared at him. "Use both of your two brain cells and MAYBE you'll answer your own question." She buried herself in her blankets.

Pietro looked confused for a few seconds before realization hit him like a fast ball. "Ooooh." He walked over sitting on the side of her bed. "Cramps?"


Pietro pulled down her blanket and pulled her into his lap. She snuggled against him.

"You're warm," She murmured.

"You're being stereotypical."

Wanda stuck her tongue out at him. "I don't care."

"I know you don't. Want a heating pad?"

Wanda nodded before shaking her head.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I want one, but I don't want you to put me down!"

Pietro laughed. "I think I can handle that." He jumped to his feet, still holding her. He ran to the kitchen, getting a heating pad from the medicine cabinet, and ran back to their room. As soon as it was warm, he set it on his sister's stomach.

"Thanks, Piet. You spoil me."

"You deserve it, angel."

She smiled at him, curling closer. They started to fall asleep, until a knock snapped them out of it. "Hey, kiddos! Mission time!" Clint called.

The twins were still Avengers, unlike their adoptive father. This left their parents often worried, but the twins had certainly proved that they could handle themselves.

"UGH!" Wanda objected. "NOW?!"

"Yes now. What's wrong with now?"

Wanda gestured to the heating pad on her lap.

"Well, I can ask if you can skip this one. But HYDRA doesn't exactly care if it's your time of the month."

"I know," Wanda's brows furrowed. "I'll just take a couple of Advil and be fine."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm a big girl, Clint."

"Sixteen is not 'big'."

"It's big enough that CPS (child protective services) isn't coming after the Avengers for letting us risk our lives," Pietro pointed out.

"Fair," Clint muttered.

Pietro laughed. "I'm smart."

"A smart a**, maybe."

"No, I'm smart. I make good decisions! Right, Wanda?"

"Joining HYDRA was your idea. I didn't want to, but you convinced me, remember?"

"Yeah, and now we have superpowers. What's your point?"

Wanda rolled her eyes. "You weren't saying that when you were GETTING those powers."

"Things change. Things change."

Clint laughed. "You two are something else. And I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"I would hope not. I mean, you did CHOOSE to make us your kids. I'd be worried if you changed your mind."

"So would I. Now put on your suits." He threw the suits at the twins' faces. They shooed Clint out of the room and changed.

"Pietro, can you help me?" Wanda was struggling to secure the corset by herself. That would take some more practice to get the hang of.

Pietro helped her tighten it. He frowned though, trying to pull it up a little.

"Pietro," Wanda scolded.

"But it's so low! And tight! If it was one or the other, I wouldn't really care, but-"

"Pietro. I am a big girl. I'm not uncomfortable, so you shouldn't be, either."

"Alright. But if a single guy looks at you funny-"

"He'll have h*** to pay, I know."

"Exactly!" He said cheerily.

"You're so overprotective." Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Better overprotective than under protective."

"I guess if you want to put it that way."

"I do want to put it that way."

Wanda laughed, shoving him.

"Twins!" Steve yelled. "Let's go!"

They looked at each other before bolting for the door.

"Certainly took you long enough," Natasha said offhandedly. They all headed to the quinjet together. 

Conflicting Morals (The Maximoff Twins) •On Hold•Where stories live. Discover now