Chapter Two

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MAY 2, 2016

"You see that red Range Rover over there?" Natasha asked through the comm.

"Yes," Wanda replied, taking another sip of her tea. "It's cute."

"It's also heavily armed. Which means-"

"It's probably HYDRA." Pietro finished.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda said as she stopped drinking for a few seconds.

"Wanda, Wilson, and I will take the medical building. I have a feeling that's their target. Romanoff, Pietro, Stark, Rhodes, you guys take care the civilians and take out the HYDRA men. Got it?"

"Got it!" Everyone said.

Well, everyone except for Pietro, who said, "Roger that."

"Don't make me strongly consider letting you get shot, boy twin." Steve threatened.

"Been there, done that," Pietro said.

"Go," Steve snapped.

Pietro laughed and ran off.

Five minutes later, Wanda was outside the med building. She quickly blasted a couple of guards out of the way.

"Wanda, just like we practiced!" Steve ordered her.

"What about the gas?!"

"Get it out!"

Wanda nodded, boosting Steve through a window into the building. She quickly enveloped the poisonous cloud in red magic. She dissipated it. A couple of HYDRA agents started shooting at her. She made a red shield. It was starting to fail when two gunshots rang out, and the agents collapsed lifelessly to the ground.

Wanda turned to see Sam flying in the air. "You really got to work on defending yourself, Maxi."

"Thanks, Sam," Wanda said sweetly.

Suddenly, a window crashing caught their attention as the nearby civilians screamed. Steve landed hard, fighting an agent.

"You can get out of this if you just surrender," Steve said.

"I have no intention of that. I do have information you'll never know about your buddy, your pal, your Bucky."

Steve froze at the mention of his best friend. Crossbones smirked and pulled the cord. Steve quickly jumped on top of him. But Wanda knew that bomb vest was too powerful. It would definitely kill both Steve and her, most of the surrounding civilians, and severely injure the rest.

She grabbed the guy, raising him into the air, trying to contain it. Then it exploded. It was more force than Wanda was able could handle. It blew into the side of the building, exploding.

Wanda was nearly knocked off her feet by the force the explosion had on her shield. She stood in shock for a second, before it starting wearing off. She raised a hand to her mouth in horror. 'Oh, god, what did I just do?!'

Steve said something into the comm, but his words fell mute on Wanda. Flashbacks from her parents' deaths were going through her mind. She had just- a bomb- just like- oh god, oh god, oh GOD!

She suddenly felt Sam grabbing her by the shoulders, and running with her to some tree, where Pietro scooped her up into his arms. He ran to the quinjet, setting her down. "Shh, shhh, sweetheart, it's ok. Calm down, my angel. Come back, you're safe," He said, failing to bring her back to reality.

She was shaking violently, muttering words Pietro couldn't understand. Probably gibberish. She did that when she got really panicked.

He ran his hand over her hair, trying to calm her down. But no matter what he tried, it didn't work. She was trapped in her own mind. The other Avengers arrived, and tried to help snap her out of it. But that didn't work, either. She didn't come out of it the entire trip back to the facility.

Wanda went straight to her room, locking the door so Pietro couldn't follow. He walked to his room. Then he simply opened the door that connected their rooms. He walked over to her bed, rubbing her back, mumbling words of comfort in Sokovian that fell on deaf ears.

She wouldn't be coming back to herself anytime soon. 

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