Chapter Three

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MAY 3, 2016

"What authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in Nigeria?" The reporter questioned. "Eleven of the twenty-three deaths were those of Wankandan ambassadors. The reclusive country was trying to-"

Steve lifted the remote, shutting off the television. It was the last thing Wanda need to be watching right now. She felt awful, had even said so publicly at Tony's urging, but people were still angry. Not that she blamed them. She would blame her, too. She did, actually.

"It's my fault," She said.

"It's not your fault."

"Turn the tv back on. They're being very specific."


Suddenly, Vision phased through the wall. Steve was startled.

"VIZH!" Wanda exclaimed. "We've talked about this!"

'Wait, when and why did they talk about this?' Steve wondered.

"I'm sorry," Vision responded guiltily. "There door was open and I thought- I'll knock next time."

Wanda smiled at him.

"H*** YEAH, YOU WILL!" Pietro yelled loudly, slamming open the door connecting the twins' rooms.


"What? Are you trying to implement the knocking rule on me? We're twins! We lived on the streets and shared sleeping bags makeshift beds for four years! Since when do you care if I see you changing or something? What are you hiding? A secret boyfriend? Hmm? TELL ME NOW, I SWEAR I'LL-"

"Pietro! You sound ridiculous!"

Pietro huffed, and Steve laughed. He was about to say something else, but FRIDAY interrupted.

"I am sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Stark has called for a business meeting. You have a visitor."

"Who?" Captain asked.

"General Ross."


Pietro tapped his foot impatiently.

"New York," General Ross stated as images of the city during the battle four years before appeared onscreen. "Washington, DC." More pictures of destruction. "Sokovia." Pietro flinched as the destruction of his beloved country appeared on the screen. "And of course, Lagos!" More pictures. Wanda looked close to tears.

"That's enough," Steve said sternly.

"Where are you going here?" Pietro asked rudely.

The general ignored the teen's attitude. "The Avengers have had free reign to do whatever they wanted, within or outside of the law for too long. 117 countries of the UN all agree to that. So, they came up with a solution." He slid a booklet over to Wanda, who held it. "The Sokovia Accords."

Sam reached for the papers, knowing full well Wanda couldn't read enough English to be able to understand it. They'd probably have to explain it to the twins later.

"These accords state that the governments of the world decide when and where the Avengers are needed and can work. It's for the safety of the people. You sign, stating your agreement to the Accords."

"And if we don't sign?" Tasha asked.

"You'll retire." General Ross left the room, leaving the Avengers in silence. 

Conflicting Morals (The Maximoff Twins) •On Hold•Where stories live. Discover now