Chapter Four

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MAY 3, 2016

The Avengers were sitting together in the living room, trying to figure things out.

"This is ridiculous," Steve said.

"Ridiculously obvious what we should do," Tony said. He looked like he was panicking. Pietro was familiar with anxiety attacks of all varieties from Wanda, and he knew that Tony was having one now.

Pietro was trying to sort it out in his head. Which side were they on? It never occurred to him that Wanda's mind was starting to go a different route than his.

"Who keeps putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a motel for a biker gang?" Tony pulled up an image of a guy who looked around eighteen or nineteen. He was familiar to Pietro, but he couldn't place from where, or even why. "This is Charles Spencer," Tony said.

The name rang a bell in Pietro's mind. The guy had befriended Wanda while he was doing some volunteer work in Sokovia. Pietro had completely forgotten about him.

"He's a great kid. Was accepted to MIT with a 3.8 GPA. He wanted to travel, to put some miles on his soul. He didn't go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds like fun, or Fort Lauderdale, where I would've gone.

"No, no. He wanted to help build sustainable housing for the poor. Where? In Sokovia. He wanted to make the world a better place. And maybe he could've. I don't know, because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking a**."

Pietro's heart dropped. He hadn't known that Charlie died. He felt bad. He looked over at Wanda. She was starting at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Her eyes were glassy, she was on the verge of crying. He quickly picked up on the fact that she, like Tony, was about to have a anxiety attack. But Pietro felt frozen.

"If we had gone in check, maybe that wouldn't have happened. Maybe more people would get saved."

"Or maybe more people would get hurt," Steve said. "I feel bad about the kid, I really do. But that wasn't entirely on us. It wasn't like we did it on purpose. Like I was about to tell Wanda, we save who we can, but sometimes that doesn't mean everyone. You know that, Tony. They'd be restraining us from helping where we're needed."

"The United Nations isn't stupid," Natasha said. "Maybe it would help if we had some outside control. I mean, a US based organization of enhanced individuals doesn't exactly sound like the friendliest people. I'm just saying."

"Whoa, aren't you the same woman who told the government to kiss her a** a few years ago?" Sam asked.

"I'm just weighing the options. Tony has a point."

"I'm sorry, did you just agree with me?" Tony asked.

"Oh, I so wanna take it back now."

"Oh, no, no, no. You can't. You said it. Done."

"I have a calculation," Vision said.

"Oh, great," Rhodey said sarcastically. "That will definitely help clear things up."

Vision ignored him. "Ever since the formation of the Avengers, the amount of near world ending events has increased, along with the number of criminals and known enhanced."

"You're saying it's our fault," Sam said.

"I'm saying our very existence promotes conflict. Conflict creates tragedy. And tragedy promotes war."

"Boom," Rhodey said.

"You all know how much I HATE agreeing with Tony," Pietro said. "But, I'm just saying that up until a year ago, Wanda and I preferred to use the term 'vigilantes' to describe you. We know you guys now, but from the outside, you don't always look great. I know that I would've preferred you listening to the government instead of doing your own thing."

"See, look. I must be right. Even the Maximoffs agree with me," Tony said.

"Pietro," Wanda said. "These accords, they're insane! I mean, what if there's a situation where we need to help, but they won't let us? And, besides, they pretty specifically stated that if you or I screw up, they'll take us away. Do you want that to happen?"

"We wouldn't let it," Vision said.

Wanda smiled. "Thanks, Vizh. But, Pietro, think this through-"

"I did. Did you?"

"Ok, am I actually seeing this or am I dreaming?" Rhodey asked. "The twins, disagreeing on an important topic? Really? Wow. Now I've seen everything."

"I DID, Pietro. We got these powers to HELP people! What use are they if we're sidelined?!"

"Maybe we should take a breather," Nat interrupted before the argument could get too heated. "Figure this out. We don't have to be in Vienna for three days. Let's each come to our own decisions and then work from there, alright? Let's all just go to bed. We could use the rest."

Everyone filed out of the room. Pietro noticed Wanda hadn't moved. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she was shaking. Pietro felt a pang of guilt. Why had he yelled at her when he KNEW that she as having an anxiety attack? Stupid, stupid.

He sat down next to her, pulling her close. "Shush, shush. It's alright. It's ok. You're safe, you can stop crying." He wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry, sestra. I'm sorry for yelling at you. We're both upset about Charlie, and maybe it's clouding our judgement. We'll think about this later, ok?"

Wanda nodded, sniffling. "It's my fault," She whispered. "If I didn't help Ultron-"

"Wanda, I helped him, too. But we didn't know his intentions at the time. It's as much my fault as it is yours."

"No, no it isn't. I INSPIRED Tony to create Ultron in the first place, if I'd just let you take the scepter-"

"Then we'd have a whole other round of drama. Everything happens for a reason, ok Wands? So take some deep breaths, and then we can go cuddle and watch a movie in your room. How's that sound? We can watch that terrible movie you and Nat and Tony love so much."

"Which one? Very Good Girls?"

"EXACTLY that one. Though, I still can't figure out why you and that one actress in it look so much alike- whatever. Let's go watch that terrible movie."

Wanda giggled and lifted her arms for Pietro to carry her.

"I spoil you," Pietro said with a smile. He scooped her up, carrying her to her room. 

Conflicting Morals (The Maximoff Twins) •On Hold•Where stories live. Discover now